How to Annoy a Werewolf

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It was a normal school day. James was sitting, doing his hair, Peter was trying to copy James, and Sirius was, in vain, trying to look casually cool. Not that he didn't look cool, it just looked like he was trying too hard. As for me, Remus Lupin, I was studying something we had learnt ages ago and marking Peter's essay. I've got to say, he has a lot of errors. So we were all busily doing our usual stuff when I noticed Sirius get up and walk towards the lake. Naturally, I followed.

I noticed that there was a hooded figure, sitting alone, dipping his feet in the water. I knew who it was and was proven correct when Sirius muttered under his breath, 'Snivellus!' Snape turned around and stood up quickly.

I saw a figure in the water but didn't mention it. I didn't think it mattered. I also thought it may have been one of the Squid's tentacles. I sat down on the grass to watch the wit battle I knew would follow. I guessed that I'd be needed later so tried to blend with the shadows. Snape didn't notice me. He was too busy thinking of what to say. But Sirius beat him to it.

"You enjoying the sunshine, Snivellus, or are you planning how you'll join Voldemort's team? Step 1 achieved: wear a hood at all times. Step 2 also achieved: be a massive git."

"What would you know about joining the Dark Lord's team? Oh, that's right, your whole family live under his wing."

"They're not my family! But if we're talking of families... I know your half-blood secret, you little twat. But I suppose your father isn't your dad now? You loved him 'til Voldy came along!"

"What do you know of love? While you prowl amongst the girls with Potter, you haven't felt it, have you? Poor Sirius Black. Maybe you have something in common with the Dark Lord? No love and harsh conditions makes Black a sad boy!"

"You feel smart now, don't you? You turned a 'dirty muggle' quote into your own. Very clever"

"Clever? You're the one that needs your friends to keep up with school work!"

Sirius was lost now. I knew that I had to think of something quick. I thought about those muggle TV shows I watched in the holidays. Sherlock.

"Hark who's talking. As soon as you open your mouth, you lower the IQ of the whole school!" I was pretty proud of myself and I think that Sirius was too.

"Well, well, who needs their boyfriend to stick up for them? Sweet. The werewolf and the weirdo."

"Who's a weirdo? You're the one that's been using your toes as squid bait. Is he the only one who'll go out with you?"

By this time, Peter and James had arrived. James patted us on the back before taking his shot.

"I don't think there's much more I can say. You're pimply, have greasy hair, a long nose and everyone hates you. The school would be improved by your absence and no one has the guts to go out with you. Did I sum it up, boys?"

We all chorused in agreement. Our job was done so we turned around and went back to our tree. Sirius told the other boys to run along and that he had some personal problems to solve.

"You stay Remmie. You're my personal problem. So, you alright? You did well back there. Don't take anything he says personally. He doesn't."

"Yeah," I replied. "I'm good. I just... how did he know?"

"Know what?"

"About us. I mean it's difficult to guess, isn't it? I mean, James doesn't even know!"

"Look, he was just grabbing blindly in the dark. He doesn't like being outsmarted so he just yelled a playground insult. Doesn't matter, Ok?"

"Ok. Can we go out on a date? Please?"

"Yeah... where? I mean, it'd have to be private."

"Maybe it shouldn't be a secret anymore. Not everyone knowing, just friends."

"Now you're sounding like me, my friend!" He ruffled my hair and we walked up to the tower. Once we got there, I tried to do my homework and failed. There were too many distractions. 

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