Truth or Dare

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Again, this does not belong to me and I am writing for fun not for payment.

"Hey, hey, ay ay Party in the USA! Ay ay ay ay it's a..."  

"Would you turn that music down?" Remus and Sirius had only been together for two months but already, Sirius had started thinking it was OK to come to the Shreaking Shack with Remus earlier than usual. Remus was regretting the choice of showing Sirius how to use a muggle iPod. It was now a tradition to play Truth or Dare and listen to music just before nightfall.



"Truth or Dare?"


"When did you fall in love with me?"

"When you fell on my lap, first train ride to Hogwarts.Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to tell me how much you love me"

"That's unfair. You can't treat a dare like truth. Give me a proper one."

"OK then. I dare you to last a week without cheating your homework."

"Hmph. It's no fun like this. You can be such a spoilsport sometimes. "

"I know. It's only an hour until the full moon. How do you think I'm feeling?"

"Oh, right." Sirius had seen how hurt Remus could get after the full moon. Many bones had to break in his leg to bend his legs into the right position. Every transformation reminded him of how different he was.

"It's OK Remmy. I think you're just as cute as a wolf although you do get a bit bad tempered."

"Well I think you're like a shaggy puppy even before you transform. Sometimes I can't tell the difference."

"I'm not as small as a dog and I don't smell like one either."

"Yes you do! Wet, muddy dog. Stinky and cute!"

"Here's the Remus I know coming back to me."

"They're one and the same Sirius, one and the same." Sirius lunged at Remus and a long tickle war followed. It did exactly what Remus wanted it to do. Stopped Remus from over thinking. Over thinking meant regrets and regrets meant grumpiness. 

'Yes' Sirius thought. 'Tickling is the answer to everything.'

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