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Um... once again, none of these characters belong to moi. JK rocks and my writing could never compare. 
Edit: So a lot of you are continuing to leave comments concerning Remus's middle name. A whole 28 of you, in fact. So just to solve any more problems before they come up: I am fully aware that Remus's middle name is John. I am also fully aware that Sirius is an idiot who wants to sound really posh in these sorts of situations. I decided when writing this fic that it would be in Sirius's character to say the wrong middle name if it sounded better. 

Sirius ran laps around the Shrieking Shack. As a dog of course. He was the most nervous he had ever been in his life. He had tried to make everything perfect but could still see some areas of improvement. 

Remus was excited. Sirius had invited him to the Shrieking Shack. The Shack, besides from on the full moon had become his place of extreme happiness. His one place without ridicule or pain. When Remus walked through the doors of the Shrieking Shack, he was amazed.

There were little love hearts dangling from the ceiling. Next to every heart was a puppy dog and a wolf playing tug of war. Remus only had a few minutes to take in the scene before *poof*. His love had a sparkle gun and both of them soon found themselves covered in rainbow sparkles. Then Remus noticed that Sirius was wearing the most beautiful tie dye suit and had cut is hair into a short ponytail rather than his usual messy braid. Then Remus worked it out.

Sirius sank down on one knee. "Remus Michelangelo Lupin I love you more than the world. You are the only one I have loved for more than a year. We have been through a lot together and I love you to bits. Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Please marry me, my Remmy, my love."

All Remus could do was give Sirius one of his not-so-famous-yet-amazing kisses. "I'll take that as a yes then?"

"Most definitely. Yes a thousand times over. I love you Sirius Orion Black. You are my one and only and I would be honoured to marry you."

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