"Yeah, she's gay. She's with me." Kat yells and grabs my hand. She pulls up along away from the group of 'preps'

She turns away, back towards the group and gives them a glare.

We both start laughing.

We laughed all the way back to the table where our friends were.

We walk up and Kat goes, "Skilar and I are dating."

Everyone goes, "What."

The toast that was in Calum's mouth falls out onto the table.

"Just kidding." She says with jazz hands.

"I told all the preps that so they would leave her alone. They swarmed her when she walked in the gate today." Kat explained.

"You both got us there." Luke says.

"Calum you can put the food that fell out of your mouth when we told you back in." Kat says and I laugh.

Molly says, "You should of seen Michael and Lance's faces though. They were priceless."

Molly reenacts both boys faces and we're all laughing but Michael and Lance.

The bell rings.

"See you all later." I say.

History was interesting. We learned about current events. I found out I have that class with Trey.

History went by too fast. Trey offered to walk me to m next class. I said he didn't have too but he insisted. He even carried my books. He was such a sweet kid.

We walk into the Science class and Trey hands me my books and I give him a hug.

I turn to see Michael starring at Trey and I.

He shouldn't be mad. We're just friends but he looks pissed.

Luke's face is in shock as well and I can tell this class isn't going to go as I wanted it too.

Michael POV

Why the hell did that prick walk her to class?

Why is he holding her books?

Why did she give him a hug?

Wait who the fuck is this kid?

I'm about to get up to beat the shit out of him but he leaves and Skilar turns to me with a smile.

Why doesn't she just go smile and that other kid? I mean he did walk her here, hold her book, and she gave him a hug.

I look down but I can still see her frown.

She sits next to me, puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "Michael are you mad at me because of Trey?"

So the asses name is Trey.

"No." I respond.

She huffs and sinks in her chair.

Mr. Brown walks in, "Hello students. Today we will be having a pop quiz on your partner."

The class groaned.

Skilar POV

He hands out the papers and I looked at the questions:

1. What is your partners full name?

2. What is your partners birthday?

3. What is your partners favorite color?

4. What is your partners favorite animal?

5. How many siblings does your partner have?

I didn't know any of these questions and it made me feel like shit because he was the first one to turn his in..

I guessed on all of them. I think I only got 3 right because I put black because that's all he wears.

He seems like he would like black.

The teacher started to grade all the quizzes...

"All most everyone knew each other." Mr. Brown said, "But some don't know almost anything." He said looking right at me.

The rest of class went by really slow.. Michael didn't even look at me once.

Class ended and Spanish went by extremely slow too.

It was now Lunch.

Kat grabbed me in the halls and we walked in together.

I went and got my apple and water while Kat got chips, a burger and soda. I wish I could eat like her and stay as tiny as she is..

Michael was sitting in the exact spot where he was sitting the first time I ate with them.

Autumn was right next to him. He must of saw my face because he then moved closer to Autumn and put his hands around her shoulders..

She whispered in his ear and he laughed.

Luke's looking at me looking at him. He's in shock too.

Glad I'm not the only one.

What the hell was he doing?

This is what I'm talking about confusing, he acts like he likes me and then does this shit in front of me. Well guess what I'm not fucking standing for it.

I got up and grabbed my water and apple and started to walk off to PE. I knew falling for Michael would hurt me in the end.

"Do you have a problem with Michael and I? You act like you like him." Autumn yells at me.

"Trust me I don't like him anymore. What ever we had is over." I say back.

"You think you too had something.." Autumn starts to say but is interrupted by Michael.

"Autumn stop." He says.

She sits.

I turn and just walk to PE.

I finish my apple and throw the core into the trash.

I go to the locker room and change.

When I come out someone is sitting in the middle of the gym...


Thank you for reading!

Sorry this chapter is boring but next chapter will have D R A M A

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BTW the more you vote and comment the more/faster I update.

Love you:)

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