Sixty Two

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Joe smiled as Kean entered the room heading straight to him giving him a big hug Joe hugging him back just as tight. Demi smiled from her bed seeing her son with the man she loved, it warmed her heart to see Joe with Kean fully aware that he wasn't even his own son. Joe set Kean down on the bed next to his mother Demi kissing the side of his head. They laughed as Emily entered the room carrying Elliot seeing that she was out of breath attempting to catch up with Kean

"Little sister?" Kean questioned as she looked around.

"Your sister isn't very well at the moment so the nurses are taking special care of her."

"So I can't meet her?" Kean questioned again Demi sighing shaking her head wrapping her arm around him.

"I'm afraid not," Demi begun watching as Joe took Elliot from Emily. He'd be around for his son's first birthday now but Kean was already six and had his birthday. "But we have a surprise."

"Oh! What?!" He questioned more happy now making them smile.

"What do you think about having a little sister and a little brother?" Joe questioned as he sat on the edge of the bed, Emily had left now to give them their little family moment. She was going to grab some drinks from the cafeteria for them. Joe got his phone out his pocket getting a picture up that he took so they could show Kean.

"You stole a baby!" Kean exclaimed making them both laugh.

"No baby boy both those babies are mine and Joey's, they're called twins. They are more rare then one baby but sometimes it happens." Demi explained seeing Kean's expression soften.

"Brother?" He questioned.

"Yes, this is your sister and that is your brother." Joe showed him pointing at the screen to show him which was which.

"What are their names?" Kean inquired.

"Thalia and Oliver, they are very small at the moment and need to grow big and strong before they can come home with us." Demi tried to make sense of it for Kean. He was told when mommy had the baby she would be coming home pretty much straight away but now it could be months until they both came home.

"Okay." Kean mumbled but smiled when his mom kissed the side of his head.

"I feel sorry for our daughter you know." Joe stated as he sat on the floor of Demi's hospital room with Elliot who was playing with a toy. He missed his son more then he thought he did, it was going to be hard to leave again.

"Why?" Demi inquired.

"Because she has boys surrounding her," Joe laughed. "She's going to need to be a strong girl." Demi giggled watching Elliot.

"She's already a strong girl besides I'll save her, we'll have to stick together." Demi grinned Joe smiling. He was glad to be back even if it was just for a couple of weeks. He kissed Elliot's head gently before getting up.

"I have a present for you." Joe admitted going in the bag he has packed.

"Why what's the occasion?" Demi questioned a small smile on her face but Joe grabbed a wrapped box sitting on the edge of the bed next to her passing her it.

"Well you kinda gave me my daughter and son." Joe answered making her laugh as she begun to open the present he had given her. It was a webcam.

"Thanks Joe but why?" He laughed again kissing her gently before pulling away.

"I thought we can Skype rather then call, then I can see everyone including our twins when they come home." Joe breathed Demi smiling nodding her head.

"That sounds wonderful." She admitted kissing him again before she brought them both down on the bed holding one another.

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