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Demi entered the police station talking to the man at reception who told her to take a seat. She wasn't going to be paying for a ticket that she didn't deserve to have. Money was tough enough with being a single mother, she needed to keep as much cash as she could. Her eyes wondered up when she heard her voice being called, she couldn't help but smile when she saw who was stood there smiling back at her. She got up making way over to him.

"It's good to see your okay." She admitted as he begun to lead her through the station, it's where he would be working for a while.

"I don't really remember much of what happened really, I died four times at the hospital though. If my heart gave out once more my parents told the doctors to leave me, I guess I heard." Joe shrugged his shoulders opening a door for her Demi thanking him as she entered the two of them sitting down at the table. It wasn't a interrogation room, it was just where they had chats with people who weren't dangerous and were here for little things like Demi was with her ticket.

"And what about your son, have you been seeing him?" Joe nodded his head gently.

"Emily comes over regularly with him, he smiled for the first time the other day." Demi couldn't help but smile herself, she remembered when she saw Kean smile for the first time. He had her smile, he looked just like her but he had Liam's eyes, it constantly reminded her of him.

"Well thanks for looking after me and Kean, you have no idea how guilty I was feeling that you might have died." Demi admitted.

"You don't need to feel guilty, I was the one who decided to be brave and get up," Joe urged laying his hands down on the table but his head was tilted so he could see her. "How is Kean?" Demi nodded her head taking in a deep breath.

"He was a little shaken up in the beginning but I think he's starting to get over it, he kept asking how you are though." Demi answered.

"You can tell him I'm fine, I've had to tell my mother over and over again." Joe rolled his eyes making Demi laugh. He smiled looking down at her Demi looking back up at him. They both leaned in until their lips were connected, it started soft their eyes closing Joe taking the lead as he moved his lips against hers but it soon got deeper and more rough as Joe pushed his tongue into her mouth Demi moaning as he did. Her hands found their way to his chest beginning to rub his abs making him moan this time. Joe pulled away when air was needed looking deeply in her eyes catching his breath back before he leaned back down beginning to suck her next Demi moaning as he found her sweet spot pretty much straight away.

Demi moaned scratching her nails on his back when she felt him enter her. He kept his thrusting low until both their bodies begged for more Demi moving with him throwing her head back. Joe moaned as he thrusted leaning down again sucking and kissing at her neck leaving marks as he did. Demi only moaned more feeling him move his hips against hers more.

"Joe!" She moaned. "I have to go home to Kean!"

"Sorry." Joe groaned as he brought his head back moving harder into her grabbing onto her hips forcing her to go harder too. It had been a while since Demi had this feeling with a man, since Kean was born. She thought she was starting to get over Liam, this just happened. She wasn't regretting it, she was growing feelings for the guy.

"Fuck Joe." Demi moaned as he lifted her up from the desk again sitting down in one of the chairs. She wrapped her arms around his neck beginning to ride him Joe laying his hands back down on her hips making her go harder on him. He wanted more from him, she leaned down kissing his neck this time leaving her own marks Joe tilting his head so she had better access Demi taking full advantage the two of them moaning more as Demi moved her hips against his harder.


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