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It was about a week later when Joe was finally allowed to leave the hospital, there hadn't been any following problems and the doctors were confident that he would make a full recovery. He still wouldn't be able to go back to work for a little bit but he didn't mind as long as he got to spend some time with his son who his mother had allowed him to see. The fight they had in the first place was stupid and he was glad she finally noticed. He was still a little weak on his feet but he hadn't done much walking during his time in the hospital so a lot of it came down to that. He was helped onto the couch by his mother who kissed his forehead gently.

"Your finally home." Denise praised Joe smiling, he still could barely remember what had happened that day but he didn't know if he wanted to.

"It feels good," Joe admitted relaxing on the couch as his mother wondered away once he had told her what he wanted to drink. He groaned slightly when the doorbell echoed through his small family home. "Come in!"

"Hi Joe." Emily greeted as she entered Joe smiling when he saw her carrying a car seat gently knowing that his son was in there. It will be such a relief to see him, his main worry while he was laid on the floor at work bleeding out would be not seeing his son again when he had barely seen him in the first place. He didn't like the thought of leaving before his son knew who his father even was but he knew Emily would have told him about him.

"Hey." Joe greeted back as she sat down next to him kissing his cheek gently setting the car seat next to her, she leaned down bringing the month old baby boy in her arms.

"Hi baby boy," She breathed kissing his head gently, Ashton was awake but content after he had been changed on the back seat of her car before she came in. "It's time to see daddy again." Joe smiled as Ashton was laid down in his arms. He held the boy against his chest but being careful not to hit his wound which was still giving him a bit of pain.

"Hey son, I hope you've been a good boy for mommy." Denise smiled too as she entered seeing the three of them together setting Joe's drink next to him. She didn't agree with the circumstances that her Grandson was born under but she loved Emily like a daughter and both her son and grandson. They were family and that was the most important thing to her.

"I think he died." Demi sighed as she sat back on the couch next to Willa, she had gone to the police station to ask about him but they couldn't tell her anything because she wasn't entitled to know. She believed she was since she was in there and watched him get shot and laid on the floor out for about an hour but apparently that didn't count.

"I'm sure he's okay, he wouldn't be back at work yet if he had made it through. In a couple of weeks come up with an excuse why you need to go to the station and see if he's there." Willa suggested as she stroked Carter's hair, he was fast asleep against the couch arm sucking his thumb gently his tiny body covered up by a blanket.

"I guess," Demi breathed smiling at the two of them, she could see how much Willa loved her son, she hoped she could tell she loved Carter as much as she did. He was her world and wanted everyone to know how much she loved him. "You and Colton thinking about having anymore?" Demi questioned grinning slightly when she bit her lip.

"We've already started trying, the wedding is just under a month away so if I were to get pregnant I wouldn't be big. We've already decided we want three children and no more." Willa explained Demi smiling slightly. She wanted more but she was finding it hard to get over Liam's death enough to move on. She wanted to find a guy that she would end up being with for the rest of her life sharing experiences together like having babies and eventually Grandchildren, she wanted to be happy. She just needed to move on.


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