"Don't have, so yeah I'm in."

His face lit up at my answer. I'm not fan of clubbing every night because it's just not my thing. I prefer staying at house, reading a book or listening to some nice music or either eat some good food. But this time, I agreed. It's been months I never go clubbing and I also want to see my friends, dance a little and of course drink a little.

"I'll fetch you later then. I'll go, Dad was calling for a dinner." He said then kiss me on the cheek and bid goodbye.

I, myself went straight to our house and spend my few more hours watching a movie. My mother was busy cooking dinner while father wasn't yet around. I tried my best to ignore the smell of adobo but I can't. I pause the movie and head downstairs straight to the kitchen.

Adobo was my favorite filipino food also James. He really did like eating this over and over again and me too. You can never get tired of eating filipino cuisines especially if your mother is cooking it.

"Smells good," I sit up at the wooden chairs at the countertop. The sight of the food makes my stomach crumble.

"I heard that," then mother chuckled as she turned off the fire and started pouring the adobo on the green bowl.

"Tikman ko ma," I stated then she handed me the fork and I took a bite of it.

Heaven can explain what I'm feeling right now. Let's say this is more than delicious than pizza, that's for sure. I can't wait until dinner and gobble up my mom's adobo.

The night arrives and we are having dinner and I am purely satisfied that I ate a two cups of rice and adobo.

"Pa, I'll go later at Palace with James." I muttered.

My father was very protective of me in every way and I guess it's just normal. My father and James can go along with each other, whenever they see each other they alwas talk and share stuffs and it's a good sign that he trusted my friend.

"Sure anak, take care okay?" He softly answered and I just nod.

After the dinner, I went upstairs to change because in a few minutes James will be up. I change into red sleeveless and a black jeans. It can be hot sometimes at the club when you drink and also the people so I prefer wearing these clothes.

Then I heard the front door open and I heard his voice so I quickly comb my hair. I didn't put make up because we were gonna go to a club not an endorsement or a shoot. I saw him wearing a gray shirt and black jeans with a cap. I saw him talking with my mom and dad and I can see myself smiling.

"Dito na pala sya," my mother speak first and he smiled at me.

"Tita, we'll go na." James said and kissed my mom while he hugged dad. I also gave a quick kiss to them and then James held my back as we exited the front door.

I was shocked when he hold my hand and I just blushed at the gesture. There's no cameras and people watching us so it's safe. And then we hop in into his car and head to the Palace Pool Club.

"Yassi said she'll go with Andre." He said while looking at the road.

"Really? This would be fun." I exclaimed then he moved his right hand to my thighs. I almost jumped at his touch.

He was massaging it and this doesn't sink in into my mind. The temptation of touching his hand was unbearable but I can't. I can't give him false signals so I just ignore it and face the window instead. When we arrived at the Palace, there were lots of people out here. Celebrities, models, hunks, designers and musicians. Them too, were also having a good time.

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