Chapter 10: First show

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Justin's POV:

My first show is tonight in Glendale, Arizona. It's literally in two hours. Mia's suppose to come to support me with everyone else. I'm so excited. I just got a text from Mia.

Mia: Justin. i cant make it 2day. im srry. something came up. im so srry 

Me: itz ok :D

I'm actually really upset Mia can't come today. " Justin, you ready to get dressed for the show?," Alfredo asked me. " Yeah," I replied. I looked down and he could tell I was upset. " What's wrong Justin?," he asked me again. " Mia can't come tonight. I was really looking forward to seeing her," I explained to him. " It's okay. Mia will come another time," Alfredo said trying to cheer me up. I miss Mia and I wish she was able to come tonight.

Mia's POV:

I can't come to Justin's first show. I feel really bad about it, but something came up. I have to help my mom set up for her release party for her book. My mom was gonna let me go to Justin's show, but I knew she really the help. 


" Mia, you really didn't have to stay. Justin really needs you right now, " my mom told me. " Mom, I wanted to help you," I tried to explain to her. " No Mia. I'm not taken yes for an answer. Go to Justin's concert now," she told me. I smiled and hugged her. My dad drove me to the arena and I walked in. Alfredo saw me immeadiately. " Mia, you're here. Thank GOD! Justin's acting weird," he told me. He guides me through the arena and backstage. " Justin, I have a big suprise for you," Alfredo announced. Justin turns around and sees me. He runs to me, hugs me and spins me around. " I'm happy you're here!," Justin said. " I'm going on stage in five minutes," he told me. "You'll be great. I know you will. You're Justin Bieber," I said trying to comfort him. Scrappy put the wings on Justin and Alfredo tells me that we can go experience the concert now. My first Justin Bieber concert! YAY! The opening comes on. Then, the screen says, " JUSTIN BIEBER'S BELIEVE." Then, a shadow of Justin appears on the screen. The shadow spreads his wings are flies around the arena. Then, the screen breaks like glass. The screen opens and Justin comes out in wings. The crowd starts freaking out. Me and Alfredo start fangirling. It was so fun! " All around the world" starts playing. Me and Alfredo starts dancing. The concert was great. Justin got sick on stage, but it was an amazing show. He dedicated " One Less Lonely Girl" to Avalanna. I wished I would have met her. She seemed like a sweetheart. Me and Alfredo go backstage. I congradulate Justin. He's an amazing performer. " Good job Justin. That was amazing," I tell him. " I couldn't of done it without you," he tells me. I blushed and Justin hugs me.


what do u think? :D

Tell me what u think? 

You may think that they are falling in love too quick, which they are. It may not make since now, but it will when you read the 4th book (Life as Mrs. Bieber) and the 5th book (Being Mrs. Bieber).

Justin Bieber's best friend (1st book of series) *EDITING*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz