I was very confused what they are talking about

Papaji turned towards me and told me not to call them mummyji and papaji ..
Why ?? Have i done something wrong i asked them .. I am on verge of crying looking at them ..

No beta it not like that .. We dont want you to call us mummyji and papaji rather we want you to call us mummy and papa .. She told me ..

Because we think you as our daughter not our daughter in  law .. Papaji told me
So we want you to treat us like how you treat tour parents beta mummyji told me ..

I too wanted to call you as muma and papa but i was scared that you might not like it i told them ..

Papa came and hugged me like my father i felt so happy to get a father again in my life and kissed my forehead ..

Muma too hugged me ...

Now you accepted me as your daughter so you have to bear my childish behaviour too .. I told them ..

Why not we are more than happy to happy a sweet daughter like you ...papa told me ..

I want tea papa please make it fast na i complained looking at papa ..

Muma brust out laughing at my demand ...

Ohk my dear princess ...papa replied ..

Were is my lazy boy muma asked me .

Still sleeping muma i replied ..

Oh what i will do with him ..muma replied ..

Beta after breakfast we will go to parlour i have fixed and appointment ohk muma told me ..

I nodded papa brought sandwich and tea for us ..

I went with muma to my room to wakeup my husband who is still sleeping .. Muma asked me to keep quite she took a glass of water and pour it on him .. He woke up with a jolt and looked at us witn wide eyes .. I was supressing my laughing he looked at me with narrow eyes and i immediately stop my laughing ...

Oye lazy boon getup its already past ten muma told me ...

Uh mom you could have called me but
No always do this he complained like a child ..

I dont know now get up and come down we are waiting for you for breakfast ..muma,told him and went out ..

You my dear wife will pay for it he get down from the bed and marching towards me before he could catch me i ran out of our room  ..

Adwai he was shouting from behind but i ignored it and ran downstair ..

Muma and papa both were laughing at me for running like this i looked at them with a poutting face ...

Aww mera bachha come here muma called ..

I went near her and she hugged me closely ...

It felt like they  are my own mother and father ..

Vishal ji came downstair and looking at me with a challenging look ...

We had our breakfast after breakfast me and muma decided to go to parlour ..

We had great time we return home in afternoon and muma asked me to take rest .. Papa and vishal ji had gone to hotel were our recieption party is organised to check the preparation .. So i went to my room and changed into simple salwar kameez and slept ..

I woke up when i felt someone sitting beside me ..  When i opened my eyes and Vishal ji was sitting beside me with his eyes closed i slowly got up ..

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