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First of all, I want to thank all of you. If it weren't for you, the person reading this now, and if you hadn't clicked on my story - whether it'd be because you're already a follower of mine or because it was a mere coincidence - I wouldn't have had the courage to post this story. You guys give me the strength to push the limits and to exceed my comfort zone with writing a book like this one. I want to provide you guys with one of a kind stories, and if I can help at least just a little bit, I feel like I've accomplished something.

Next, I want to thank the three lovely ladies who beta read Twisted Crush as I wrote it. You took time from your hectic lives to read over my crazy chapters, and provided me with much needed advice and comments when I was ready to bite my nails to the quick from anxiety. You guys are the best, and this story wouldn't have been the same without any of you. Thank you, Nicolette (dedicated in chapter 1), Komal (dedicated in chapter 2), and Chloe (dedicated in chapter 3).

Finally, I want to thank my wonderful sister, Allison. Although I kept the gory details of Twisted Crush to myself in the duration of when I was writing it (for your benefit), I am so happy that you agreed to willingly read it once I finished and posted it. At this moment when I'm writing these dedications, you haven't read the story yet, so I sure hope you like it. And I hope that I don't completely scare you away from ever agreeing to reading another one of my stories again. Thank you, Alli, for risking your sanity for me.

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