Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

A cold wind whips over my back, sending chills over the skin where Trey had unzipped my dress. Did he leave a fucking window open?

"How the hell do you know my last name?"

He rolls his eyes. "It isn't that difficult! I mean, you made it easy." He leans against the back of the sofa near him. "For someone trying to stay on the down low, you sure don't know how to pick an alias. You kept your same first name, and only changed a single letter in your last. All I had to do was Google 'Rachel Summers', and after scrolling for a while, I found you. The real you."

Although I think I know the answer, I need to ask him. "What are you trying to say?"

"I see the front you put on, the mask you wear to hide who the true Rachel is." He takes a step forward, but I take one back. "What would they say if we peel back that fake layer?"

Trey reaches towards me, as if I actually have a second skin. I swat his hand away with the back of my hand. "What the hell are you talking about?" I wave my arms up dramatically to emphasize my point.

His arms fall to his sides with a loud slap on his thighs. "I know about your condition."

A new kind of fear swims inside of me. "Y-you know?"

Slowly, his head rocks back and forth with a tedious nod. "You've been kind of fucking obvious. I saw the way you would lick your lips when you saw something you wanted. And then when you finally went for it, I caught that sparkle reflect in your eyes because of the guilt. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

My voice shakes along with my boney body. "But nobody knows. N-nobody else figured it out." I feel so naked although the only thing exposed is the open back of my dress.

"Soon, everyone will see the killer inside of you."

Oh, my God. "No. No, no, no. You don't know. There's no way you know!"

He smirks like the kid who got all the answers right during the review game in class. "But I do. Oh, Rachel, it might surprise you on what I know."

My eyes shift to the front door. I can run now. I can get out. Go. Run, get out, get away from this psycho. Now, before you lose your chance. GO.

I'm a second too late. Trey follows my gaze. "No, you don't." He runs right into me as I make a bolt for the door. His strength overpowers mine, and he sends me sprawling to the floor. "You aren't going anywhere."

"What are you going to do?" I spit at him. "Chain me to the couch!?"

"If I have to."

For some reason, I find myself looking at his crotch. And somehow, he's still aroused. Does he like this, watching me struggle against him? Fucking sicko.

Trey goes back to his position leaning against the back of the sofa. "So anyway, imagine my surprise when I found this little newspaper archive from a small town in east Wisconsin about a girl who was murdered."

I swallow hard, shrinking further into the floor. "I was a minor." I clench my teeth, avoiding his eyes. " They were supposed to clean that up!"

His eyes narrow on me, getting me to look back. "Well, they didn't." He shakes his head, as if I'm annoying him. "So I clicked onto the article, wondering why your name was involved. And it surprised the fuck out of me. I mean, I couldn't picture you, skinny, weakass Rachel, capable of overkill."

I hold my eyelids shut. Memories flash in my head. Her body lying on the cold floor of her basement bedroom. Her eyes half shut, and I could already see her irises glazing over. Her skull beaten in so much, I could see her brain. By the time the police and firefighters arrived, she was long gone inside her blazing house.

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