The Beginning of The End

Start from the beginning

Inside the TARDIS everyone stood around awkwardly.

"So... Do you think they'll make it?"
Black Widow asked.

"Probably not."
Batman took a sip of his coffee.

"If they don't what's going to happen to us?"
Primrose asked.

Everyone was silent.

Jack studied the TARDIS controls.

"Does anyone know how to use this thing?"


The storm was growing worse by the time they entered the White Witch's castle.

"Will we have to deal with her and ThunderPuff?"
Losider shouted over the noise of the storm.

"No! She's not here, but ThunderPuff will be a problem!"
The Doctor led them inside, the noise of the storm died down but ot continued to grow.

"How much time do we have?"
Melui asked.

"At this rate, fifteen minutes."

"We're dead."
Pippin said.

Esmerelda slapped him.

"We're not gonna die!"

"Can we focus on finding our friends?"
Legolas asked.

"No need to worry about that Blondie."

Everyone turned and saw ThunderPuff sitting on the White Witch's throne.

"I have them right here."

"Hey guys!"

Merry called cheerfully. He was hanging upside down by his legs between Aragorn and Vili who were in the same state.

"Merry! What happened?"
Pippin shouted.

"ThunderPuff plans on on taking over this world as well as Middle Earth."
Aragorn explained.

"And I have a headache from hanging here this long."
Vili added.

"Meh Meh! Vili!"

Foe Hammer flew towards them when ThunderPuff hissed.

"Go near them and they die!"

Foe Hammer landed beside Fabulous.

"I'm sorry guys. But ThunderPuff, you're too adorable to take seriously."
Esmerelda laughed.

Actually, he wasn't very menacing. He was super tiny on the throne and his fur was all puffed out from the electricity caused by the lightning.

"You won't be thinking that once you hear my plan."
ThunderPuff sneered.

"We just heard it."
Pippin reminded him.

"You didn't hear the whole thing! When I discovered this land I thought that it and our own were the only worlds but soon realized that there are hundreds of dimensions and realities that I could take control of. The only problem is, I don't have a way of reaching those worlds. Until now."

He grinned at the Doctor.

"The TARDIS will allow me to reach all of the realities and conquer them all. Then, I will rule the universe!"

"ThunderPuff! You have to let them go and come with me to TARDIS. There is to much strain on the *scientific word that no one understands* that the universe is pulling itself apart! I have to return everything to the way it was!"

"I will do that for you. If you give me control of the TARDIS."


"Very well. Let the universe rip apart see if I care."

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