The Beginning of The End

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The next few minutes were filled with a lot of confusion. Not only were Batman and Superman present inside the TARDIS but so were the Avengers, all their friends that they had left at the shwarma joint, Jack Sparrow was there, and of course the Doctor.

He was desperately trying to get everyone to calm down.
"Please! Everyone listen! We don't have much time until the universe rips apart!"

That go everyone's attention.
"Rip the universe apart?"
Iron Man asked.

The Doctor took in a deep breath and quickly explained.

"There has been a mix up in the universe as of-"
He paused and tried to remember the date. "A few weeks ago. This mix up is bringing people and things from other "dimensions" or "realities" or "multiverses" that are not supposed to be together.
Why? I don't know. But I have to get everyone back where they belong before life as we know it ends!"

"How are you going to do that?"
Esmerelda asked.

"I just need to bring everyone back to their realities with the TARDIS. It shouldn't take long at all."

"Wait a minute! Our friends are still in trouble."
Melui exclaimed.

"What do you mean?"
Pippin asked.

"Meh Meh They have been taken prisoner! Meh Meh."
While everyone else got over their shock of seeing a talking goat the Doctor took over.

"Don't worry! We have just enough time to save them and return everyone to their own realities."

He started pushing buttons and pulling levers while everyone stood around awkwardly.

"Here we are!"
The Doctor announced.

Frodo asked.

"Where your friends are!"


"No time for questions! Whoever is coming come now! We don't have much time left. The universe is already pulling itself apart!"

"But you said that we had pleanty of time!"
Superman shouted.

The Doctor opened up the TARDIS' doors.

"That was before I realized that after doing the math I forgot to carry the three. We only have about an hour."

"An hour?!?!?"

"Make that thirty minutes."

Now everyone was panicking.
They only had thirty minutes until the universe pulled itself apart.

The Doctor raced out of the TARDIS, followed by Legolas, Losider, Melui, Pippin and Esmereleda.

"Aren't you guys coming?"
Esemerelda asked the others.

Overhead thunder and lighting cracked and boomed. Wind was howling and the earth was starting to crack open in some parts.

Everyone inside the TARDIS took one look outside.
"Nope, we'll be fine in here."
Jack moved back into the TARDIS.
"Good luck saving your friends!"
The Avengers disappeared inside.
Foe Hammer flew out with Fabulous following behind him.

"Meh Meh Come on Lindir! Meh Meh ThunderPuff is in there Meh Meh You need to talk some sense into him Meh Meh."

Lindir widened his eyes.

He burst out of the TARDIS.
When the Doctor saw that no one else was coming he closed the door.

Lord Of The Rings: Tales of Random Craziness And HumorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon