The Hobbit Squad

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"I don't know why you've been asking me all of these questions about my adventures Primrose. You know them all already."
Bilbo said smiling.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything."

They were sitting in front of Bilbo's fireplace, Primrose was trying not to notice Merry and Pippin who were hiding in a potted plant and filming their "documentary."

"Do you have any more questions?"
Bilbo asked.

"Just one more, everyone thought that Thorin, Fili, and Kili died. But they're actually alive and living in Erebor. How is that?"

"As I have said earlier Primrose, we are in a Fanfic that is specifficaly written for humor. And not to be taken seriously or as an offense to the Tolkien Universe."

"The what universe?"
Primrose asked.

"Never mind."

"Well, I think I'll go now. Thank you for your time."

"I'm always glad to have you over Primrose."

Primrose left Bag End, wondering how Merry and Pippin were going to sneak out of Bilbo's house with their large camera and boom mic.

"Hey Prim."

Primrose jumped as Merry and Pippim suddenly appeared in front of her.

"How did you do that?"
She asked.

"We're ninja's."
Pippin bowed ninja style.

"Now you see us..."

Merry threw a smoke bomb onto the ground.

"Now you don't!"

The smoke cleared.

"Um... Guys? I can still see you."

"What? Merry you said that these things worked!"

"I thought they did."

"You guys have to throw the smoke bomb and then run
Primrose explained.
"The smoke doesn't make you disappear."

"Darn it!"
Pippin kicked the dirt.

"Anyway, how did your filming go?"

"We got your entire interview! And of course Bilbo didin't notice a thing."
Merry said proudly patting his camera.
"So you guys are done now right?"
Primrose asked.
"Are you kidding? There's still so much more we have to do!"

Oh great...


"She hasn't come back yet Frodo. I think you should start to get worried."
Berylla glanced at Frodo.

"She's just hiding somewhere! Or eating. She'll be back."

"Frodo it's been like three days!"



Frodo sighed.

"Fine, we'll go find her."

They checked Esmerelda's house but she wasn't there. They tried the Green Dragon but she wasn't there either. They tried Bilbo's pantry but had no luck.
They asked everyone if the had seen her but no one had.

"Where could she have gone?"
Frodo was now starting to get worried.

"We have to find her!"
Berylla pulled Frodo by the arm.

Berylla shouted.

"What is it?"

"Esmerleda's missing!"

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