Facing Your Fears (In This Case Thranduil)

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"This is a mistake Losider."
Aragorn froze just outside of Thranduil's palace.
"We should head back."

"You'll be fine Aragorn!"
Losider assured him.

"But what if I do something that makes her father mad? What if he orders me to stay out of his land? What if-"

"Listen to me Aragorn! You love this elleth don't you?"
"You would die for her right?"
"Then you can go in there, and kill anything that gets in the way of you and your beloved!"

"Whoa Losider! We're not here to kill anybody!"
"Oh right. Well, just get in there and be yourself! Everyone loves you when you're yourself!"

"Except Thranduil."
"Except Thranduil!"

"What kind of help was that?"
"No kind of help whatsoever. That's just the truth!"

"Thanks Losider."
"Anytime mellon! Now get in there and conquer!"

Aragorn sighed, walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?"
A voice called from inside.
"It's Aragorn and Losider."
Aragorn replied.
"Why are you here?"
"We're friends of Legolas. We're visiting him."

There was silence and then the door opened.
Feren smiled as they came in.
"Welcome to Mirkwood!"
"Why do you guys still call it Mirkwood even though the Shadow is gone?"
Losider asked.

Feren shrugged.
"The name just stuck."
"Fair enough."
Feren led them through the palace until they found Legolas.
The prince greeted his friends.
He shook Aragorn's hand, and then did a very long and very complicated hand shake with Losider.

"When did you guys come up with a hand shake?"
Aragorn asked feeling left out.
"I'm not always hanging out with you Aragorn."
"We could have still come up with a handshake."

"Isn't there a reason why you're here Aragorn?"
Legolas asked innocently.
"What do you mean?"
"Perhaps you came to see a certain someone? Like my sister?"
"Of course not! I came to visit my friend."

"And their sister."
Losider said as he and Legolas began to laugh.
"Wait, Aragorn and Melui are..."
The others realized that Feren was still there.

"Yeah, they are. But Aragorn's afraid of facing my Ada about it."
Legolas grinned at his friend.
"I am not."
Aragorn clenched his fists.
"He is?"
Feren asked.
"Yeeeeesssss yooooouuuuuu arrrrreeee!"
Legolas sang.
"You have a lovely voice Legolas."
Losider teased.
The prince's face turned red.
"What's going on guys?"
Colfinthel joined in the conversation.
"Aragorn's crushing on Melui but he's too afraid of asking Thranduil for permission to date her and then if all goes well eventually court her and then get married."
Feren said.

"I never said anything about getting married! We just met!"
Feren asked.
"You can't mary someone you just met Feren."
Colfinthel rolled her eyes.
"You can if it's true love."
"Then why haven't you married me yet?"
Feren froze.
Glanced at the others, and then ran off.
"How long have you two been dating anyway?"
Legolas asked.
"That's none of your business." Colfinthel replied.
"Anyway, I have to go help Dailoth find that Gollum thing that's still running around here.
Turns out she was right Legolas. It was Phoenix who helped bring him in here."

"And Piper and Caladhiel?"
"I knew they had something to do with it."
"Wait, Gollum's here?"
Aragorn asked.
"He's been here for awhile."
Legolas told him.
"Why didn't you tell me? I could have gotten him out of here for you!"
"And had a reason to come see Melui earlier."
Losider snickered.

Aragorn narrowed his eyes.
"Come on Aragorn, your beloved awaits!"
Legolas grabbed his friend's arm and began to drag him forward.
"Wait! I'm not ready yet!"
"You're just fine Aragorn."
Losider pushed him forward.
"You're just fine."


"Kili, I've been thinking."
Fili tossed an apple into the air and caught it as he walked beside his brother.

"About what?"
"How is it that after all these years we haven't gotten any older?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that we haven't changed. At all."
"Huh. That is weird."
"Same with that Bard guy. He hadn't aged either."
"But Bilbo did."
"I know! He's an old hobbit now."
"That is so weird."
"Maybe we're just lucky."

The sound of shrieking fangirls in the distance caused the two dwarves to freeze.

"Or very, very, very unlucky."
Fili said refusing to look behind him.
Just as the Fangirls showed up Fili and Kili threw their hands over their heads and ran away screaming.


I decided that I missed writing Fili and Kili. They're fun.
And this chatroom might go on for a little longer then I originally planned so YAY!!!
But I still need ideas for the GRAND FINALE
If you don't give me ideas I'll be forced to improvise and that won't go very well.
So anywho, I'm out.

Lord Of The Rings: Tales of Random Craziness And HumorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin