Elf Madness

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"I'm so glad we got to come here. It's so beautiful." Melwin nodded in agreement with Chole Ann.

Both elleths sat on a balcony that overlooked the hidden valley. It was almost dark and the sun was setting, casting a beautiful orange glow over Rivendell.

"Although we are only passing through on our way to Mirkwood." Melwin commented.

"I know that. But still, it is nice to come here for awhile." Chole Ann said with a smile.

Melwin raised an eyebrow.

"Is there a particular reason why you like it here so much?" she asked Chole Ann.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you know who I am talking about."

Chole Ann's face turned red.

"No you don't Melwin."

"Of course I do. You're glad to be here because Glorfindel is here."

Chole Ann sighed.

"Yes... I'm glad he's here."

"Have you talked to him?"


"Well! We'll just have to fix that!"

Melwin stood to her feet and ran back into the large house that was home to Elrond and his people.

"Melwin! Stop!" Chloe Ann chased her through the halls. She nearly ran into Lindir who was carrying a large stack of books.

"Hey Lindir! Have you seen Melwin?"

Lindir tried awkwardly to look at her from behind the large stack of books.

"She just ran through here. I think she was looking for Glorfindel."

Chole Ann raced off accidently bumping into Lindir. The elf struggled to keep his books from falling. He sighed in relief as he straightened himself.

"That was close."

He continued to carry the books when he accidently tripped.

He cried out as he fell, and had all the books fall all over him.

Elrond came from around a corner and shook his head.

"Honestly Lindir, I give you one simple task and you can't even do it right."

Linder groaned.

I need a vacation.

Meanwhile, Chole Ann continued her hunt for Melwin.

When I get my hands on her...

She spotted movement and ran
towards it.

"There you are!"

Melwin grinned and continued running. Chole Ann desperately tried to catch up.

Melwin disappeared around a corner and Chole Ann followed, only to crash into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I-"

She froze. She couldn't believe who it was.

Oh Elbereth...

"It's fine, I am not hurt." Glorfindel smiled at her.

"I do not believe we have met, I am Glorfindel."

"I know. I mean, everyone knows who you are." Chole Ann stuttered.

"And what might your name be?"
Glorfindel asked.

Lord Of The Rings: Tales of Random Craziness And Humorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن