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Song - Back To Back
| Drake

"I'm glad you decided to go to school with me, Luhan." Baekhyun smiled. I flashed a smile back at him. Baekhyun and I have known each other forever, and we have never attended the same school. I thought I would take it a step further and transfer schools, just to be with him.

"Hopefully we don't cause too much trouble in class." I said, shoving a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. Baek nodded and looked at his phone. I could tell he was texting a friend of his or something, his face lit up completely.

"So who are you texting.?" I smirked. His face flushed red of embarrassment as he locked his phone before setting it next to him.

"N-nobody. Why are you asking.?" He answered. Wow, Baek. You are a horrible liar.

"Do you have any idea how bad your lying is.?" I chuckled as I ate another spoonful. Baek ran a hand through his hair.

"Alright, I'm texting someone named Chanyeol." He admitted. I smiled in amusement. "But it's nothing serious.! All he said was that he pulled a prank on someone.!" I didn't believe that for a second, but I'll let it pass just this one time.

"So, about your school," I started as I walked over to the sink to wash my bowl. "Is there people that you don't like.? So I can avoid talking to them.?" I could tell he tensed up at that question.

"Surprisingly, there is. I want you to avoid a group of boys. They're the most popular guys at the school," he explained. "they all whore around, and there's not one girl that hasn't slept with at least one of them." Baekhyun's eyes got dark.

"Kris, Tao, Kai, and Sehun. Don't fall for any of them. No matter how good they treat you. You'll end up being broken at the end."

They all have their own roles in their little 'posse'. Baekhyun told me everything for the rest of the day. Well, at least what I needed to know. For starters, Kris is 'the liar'. He always has a lie for everything. To get out of a date, excuses on why he can't be with someone, and why he's always late, etc.

Tao is 'the panda'. He is supposedly cute and adorable, just like a panda is. But under those fuzzy features, is a hideous lying creature. (Author- I have skills. Ya see what I did there.? (; )

Kai is 'the jock'. He's the one that's obsessed with sports, and is only worried about himself and how he looks. He's a cocky, stuck-up mama's boy, who doesn't know anything besides than sports and hooking up with at least everyone he sees.

Lastly, we have Sehun. He's known as 'the playboy'. The king of all heartbreaks, and the prince of one-night stands. He'll make you feel like the only person to exist in the world, but then remind you at the last minute that there's 7 billion others out there. And that you were only one of his toys.

After Baek told me everything about them, I started to not like them. But why, Luhan.? You don't even know them.! They could be nice.! Yeah yeah, whatever. They don't seem nice when Baekhyun talks about them. Plus, he goes to school with those whores. Don't you think he would know what goes down when he sees it.?

7:30 pm.

"Chaneyol invited me to have dinner with him. He said that our friends Chen and Xiumin are coming along as well, and we wants to know if you wanna come too." Baek threw a pillow at me as he spoke.

"Where are we going.?" I asked him, throwing the pillow back at him, which ended up hitting him in the face."

"Some Italian restaurant that's close to the school." Baekhyun got up and went to my bathroom. "So you wanna go or not.?"

Playboy |Hunhan|Where stories live. Discover now