Parchment 23: Rencounter

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"My father will hear about this... And your father will too Quest!" He goes higher up while Flint makes the rest of the team split up. I go right next to Malfoy and wait, his body is generating heat, he must be very mad about this outcome. For this obviously wasn't in his plan for this evening, how sad.

"Don't die Quest," he says, supposing to intimidating me but that has no effect what so ever. I click my tongue and give him a small smile.

"Same to you Malfoy," he lets out a laugh instead, that's something I didn't see coming.

"I know I won't, but in your circumstances, you just might," the laugh fades into a serious and straight face. I wasn't going to die, I've played on this field plenty of times by myself and the one time I was with Malfoy, which was terrible.

"Well, just remember who helped you when no one else would, even though it was only one time," I say right back at him, for if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have gained more control over his broom. That's one thing I've seen in the past few games. He knew how to handle difficult situations when it came to taking sharp turns or almost falling off, his balance became stronger and he used his mind more.

If that's true I'm not sure, but I know something changed since then.

"Whatever munter girl." Then the practice game starts.

Malfoy zooms off making complete circles around the whole stadium, I just stay where we originally were with the occasionally moving around slowly. The snitch in this situation is white and smaller than ones they actually use, I find it nicer in my case.

Lowering myself I continue to look around, both teams scoring points quite quickly. That either means they are well matched or not at all. I see all the brooms going every which way trying to get to the three hoops and score points for their team.

I see Malfoy stop and stare near the center of the field, I fix my own eyes upon it. He must think he sees the Snitch for it isn't there, he dives down and swoops upward with nothing in his hands.

I look around for the snitch more carefully, then, a small white blur dashes behind Malfoy and into the air. The odd thing was it kept going and going until it was far out of the field.

While gazing upward there comes a cold sensation that starts at my feet, it feels like ice starting to freeze and slowly climbing up my legs. Then everything actually starts to freeze around me, my broom is covered in frost.

Then it clicked, and oh did it click faster than that Snitch was going into the sky.


Trying to move forward by closing my legs on the broom I didn't, I can't move. Then panic starts to rise me, a Dementor is here and it's close to me. Or more than one, I can't tell at this very moment.

Calm down, just calm down. You have your wand with you and you can use that in defense.

I let out a breath of air and it's dense, very dense, a thick cloud that looks like you can touch it, and you can.

There comes the sound of someone else's chest rising and falling coming closer and closer to me, I try to raise my hand but now my hands are frozen on to the broom. My heart pounds, faster and faster, blood going through my body at a rapid speed that is inhumane to the veins in me.

One finger traces down my back, I know it for sure, a bony finger with not much flesh or muscle tissue covering it. A small prick comes on the back of my neck, right near where the spine and skull connect. The prick cuts into my skin, not deep though but enough to send pain all throughout my body.

That's when I feel the presence, it's only one, but it sure is strong.

Wait, my mind goes over what just happened, cold air, frost, freezing, the bony finger, but the prick, that's the thing that's throwing me off. What was it that shot paint through my body without a word spoken, or to what I could hear.

I want to look back, I know how dangerous it is to look at a Dementor and not die by their kiss but I want to look. There's something different about this one and I want to know what it is.

A stringy hand goes on my shoulder, turning my head I see the leftover hand, and how an object on its hand stood out to me and only me. A ring, a gold ring with a ruby cut outs that are perfectly vertical and lined close to each other.

"We finally meet, Nebula, after all this time you can't run away now, and you have no one to stop me or you.." This voice sounds familiar, annoying and deadly. The face appears next to me, it all comes together and I feel my heart burst out of my chest.

"Now you can't escape or hide, he knows that you are here and he knows about you, and I've known about the house..." I turn my head away from him, the one who hates, disrespects and torture me in my dreams.

"Are you ready. Any last words my daughter? Before you have no more existence in this world, not like anyone would care, after all, they soon will be gone too.."

He's going to do it. He's really going to do it.

The sinister voice crawls into my ear, his cold skeleton hand going down my shoulders.

"Avada," the wand pokes back at where my skull and spine meet again, at the most dangerous spot if you are wanting to kill someone quickly.

My stitched closed mouth, due to the cold, open and I let out a heavy breath of air, knowing it might be my last.

"Ked," my body starts to rest, but my mind is a storm that quickly rolls in and lashes all its pain and agony upon people, half of me giving up while the other wants to fight back and beat him, but how I am right now, I can't.

"Av," I take one last look down at Hogwarts, I won't ever see Jasper, Mavis, Flint, Harry, Ron, Hermione, George, Fred, and others ever again. They probably won't even miss me like he said, I'm just invisible to everyone. I'm a monster that everyone hates and wants gone. A tear begins to form in my eye which is left as a frozen shape of the pain I've been holding in for so long.

Then let it out!

"Good bye, Nebula," the wand presses through my skin, I clench my fists together and let out a scream with words incorporated with it.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" The wand falls from his hand goes straight into mine, I hold on to it with a tight grip. There's a burning feeling going through my palm which is coming my father's wand but right now I don't care about that. That kind of pain doesn't affect me anymore.

Let it out.

"STUPEFY!" Then my father becomes limp but still having control over his body he fades back into the dark from below me.


MonsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora