Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Month's went by that no one heard from Toby or Dorothy. We didn't get a call, a letter...nothing. I was wreck everyday. Not knowing where they were or if they were okay tore me apart.  Their disappearance didnt seem to bother the family but i could see the stress on Mista's face. At night him and Master went into the office and closed the door. I could hear them whisperin, they were talking about Toby and Dorothy. 'We need to find them father.' 'Them?' mimicked Master. 'We need to find Toby. I could care less about the nigger.' 'But she's the mother of his child?' Mista protested. 'Of his nigger baby. Therefore we have nothing to it. Besides, i doubt the baby even survived.' Mista was silent. I guess he figured there was no need to argue. I walked to the room. As i was about lay down, the phone rang. I answered,'Hello? MacloVoy residence.' 'Esther?' Dorothy said. My heart raced of excitement, she was okay! 'Dorothy?!' I whisper yelled. 'How are you? Where are you? Did Toby find you? Is the baby okay?' She laughed. 'You ask a lot of questions but im fine and yes.' 'Where are you Dorothy?' she sighed, 'I can't tell you that. I don't want to put you in a dangerous position.' I understood. 'You know we had the baby Esther?' i could hear the smile on her face. 'You did?!' 'Yes and we really want you to meet her.' I cried tears of joy. 'I'd love to.' 'Good! Do you think you could meet us at the Stone river? We don't want to go out into public yet.' I agreed and it was set. The next morning i told Mista i had to do some shopping for the house. He approved and let me go. I took the bus to Elbert street and walked to the river. Once i got close to the river i could see Toby. He looked different, older but happier. He wasn't wearing a suit, just some jeans and a raggedy buttoned down with some black boots. He had a beard growing in to. 'Esther!' he threw his hands out and embraced me. I'd missed him so much.  'How are you?' he said holding me. 'Restless.' i laughed and sighed. 'Im sorry about that, we should've called.' i nodded. 'Wheres the baby?' he smiled and led the way. I saw Dorothy standing there glowing of love. She looked stunning. her hair had gotten longer and she was a little thick. I figured from having the baby. 'Can i hold her?' Dorothy nodded and handed me the baby. She was gorgeous. dead ringer for her father. Her skin was lighter than her mothers but a smidge darker than her fathers. her hair a dark brown but soft and silky. She had eyelashes as long as the river and her lips were as pink as a sunset. I fell in love. 'Whats her name?' i said while looking up at Toby and Dorothy. They smiled...'Esther.' My heart became warm and tears filled my eyes. 'She's beautiful.' i told them. They both nodded in thanks. I thought to my self, now this is the best moment in my life. And it truly was. A couple minutes later we heard a rustling in the trees that hid the river. Toby pushed me, Dorothy, and Esther behind him to protect us from whatever was coming our way. I squinted to see who had stepped out of the Forest.....once i realized who it was my heart sank faster than the titanic. 'Hello Grandson. Long time no see.' greeted Master. He looked back and forth at me and Dorothy, then he squinted down at Esther. 'I see you brought your pack of niggers.' he laughed at his joke. Toby, however, didn't think it was funny one bit. 'Watch your mouth about my family.' he growled. Toby including me in his family made my heart skip a beat but then i realized what was going on and came back to reality. 'How did you know where we were?' Toby asked. He still had a little hate in his voice. 'Well you see, I still have one loyal grandchild.' We all looked confused at his answer. 'Kate over heard your little nigger on the phone. She heard your meeting spot and decided it was right to tell her old grandfather.' he said clearing our confusion. 'How are you? Is that the baby?' he motioned toward the bundle of blankets in my arms. Toby pushed us back further. 'So you found us. What now? What do you want?' 'I just wanted to convince you to come back home and  we can forget everything. You hitting me, you sleeping with a getting a nigger pregnant.' Master said while looking at Esther. 'Come home Toby. Your family misses you..' he held his arms open as if to welcome Toby. Toby glared at him, 'Never. This is my family now and if you can't accept that...i dont need you.' Matser's face changed and he started to walk closer. 'Well thats too bad because now i have to consider you a traitor and we MacloVoys dont allow traitors.' Then he reached behind his back and pulled something shiny out. My mouth went was a gun. 'See Toby,' he started spinning the gun around his index finger. 'I made a promise and i can't break a promise.' He pointed the gun and shot.  i'm sitting on my bed, tears rolling from my eyes. 'Esther.' Toby knocked. When i didnt answer he let himself in. 'Whats wrong Esther?' he said jumping into my lap and wiping away my tears. 'My baby...' i started, hand on my belly. Toby mimicked my motions by laying his hand on top of mine. He looked into my eyes with his beautiful blue eyes. 'I'll be your son.'  I looked at him and pulled him close. 'I love you Toby.' 'I love you too...Mama.' I just stood there, my eyes seeming decieved. Was this really happening? No. It couldn't be. Master is evil but not evil enough to kill his own...he can't be. BOOM! another shot, this time it was dorothy. I could see her fall to her knees. blood spilling out her shirt. Esther's screaming awoke me. I took one look at Matser who was beginning to aim at me and Esther and ran. I ran like my life depended on it. Like Esther's life depended on it. I ran til my legs felt like they were about to fall off. I looked behind me to make sure i wasn't being followed. I stopped to catch my breath. Then i realized...i had been crying. Tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. I fell to my knees and cried and cried. Toby was gone, Dorothy was gone. My life was over. 

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