Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Dorothy headed out the kitchen into Mista's office with Mats er. Toby shot me a panicky glance, i nodded and followed. I stood outside the office and kept as quiet as possible. 'So, Dorothy...You're the new help aren't you?' he asked. Dorothy nodded. 'You speak when answering me.' he demanded. 'Yes sir.' she responded quickly. He stared her up and down. 'You want to hear a story?' he asked. 'Of course.' said Dorothy, though it was obvious she didn't. 'When i was boy my father, one of the original MacloVoys, was master of one of the biggest plantations in Mississippi. We had slaves and more slaves and more slaves, we were rich.  we had field slaves, those were the hard workers. We had the mama slaves, they raised the nigger babies to be strong field niggers. Last but not least we had the house slaves.' He laughed, 'Those...those niggers were the most trusted slaves but also the sneakiest. You had to watch them cause they always had something up their sleeves. There was this one slave, Matilda, she was the sneakiest of all. She was a light nigger so of course she worked in the house. She had this smile that won everyone over but me...i never fell for it. She was a pretty nigger, i wont lie. Everyone saw it, especially the male slaves. Even my father noticed her. Every time she walked by he would look for a long time. He'd sit there and stare with my Mother and i sitting right there. He didn't even care. It was disgusting. One day i was walking by the kitchen and i heard whispering. I peeked through the crack and saw them, the nigger and him, together. They were laughing and touching. Her hand was own his arm. I remember feeling furious and ashamed. How could he? He was supposed to love my mother? Then he did the unforgivable, he said i love you. I heard a gasp behind me and turned around. My mother stood there with her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes. She had seen the whole thing. After that all she ever did was cry. Everyday, every hour, every minute. I don't remember her ever smiling again.' For a moment it looked as though he was about to shed tear but that changed real quick. 'Later that year, i found my mother floating face-down in a bathtub full of water. She had committed suicide and it was all his fault. His little affair had ruined my life and ended my mothers. I didn't shed one tear for her death. I figured she had shed enough tears for the both of us. Instead I made a promise that i would never ever let a nigger ruin our family again. So you see my dilemma...?'  Dorothy sat there stunned. 'You think i'm a fool don't you? A foolish old man?'he asked. 'No s—' she started. 'Oh shut up. I know all about you and my grandson. I can see it in your eyes. You're doing a lot more for him besides serving him coffee with his daily newspaper.' Dorothy sat the frozen. 'I guess some things never change.' he stood to leave the room, ' but don't let me worry you. Stress isn't good for the baby.' he laid his hand on her stomach and was gone. Dorothy had a sick expression on her face. Her body went limp and she started to tear up. I  rushed in to comfort her because Master was right, stress isn't good for the baby. I brushed her hair back out of her face, she just sat there still as the sea. She didn't move or blink, i had to make sure she was still breathing. 'He knows.' she said while resting her hand on her stomach. 'My god...he knows.'

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