Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Their love affair went on for awhile, though you wouldn't have even known. They acted completely normal around the family and sometimes around me but when they were alone, if they ever got the chance, they were lovers fascinated by the other. They'd talk for hours in the linen closet and get up extra early in the morning to take walks in the garden. It was a real love story. One day Dorothy was helping me fold the clothes , she was just glowin with happiness. It was literally radiating off her skin. 'What you so giddy about?' i asked her curious. She looked at me with a huge grin, 'Giddy? I'm not giddy.' i looked her up and down. 'Like hell you ain't.' i challenged. She laughed. Then in came Toby, Dorothy lit up like a lighting bug. 'Miss Esther, my father and i will be having guests soon and he needs to speak to you in his office about dinner arrangements.'  I nodded and turned to Dorothy, 'can you finish up without me?' she nodded. Once I had left, I heard Dorothy giggle and I slid against the wall trying to tune in on their conversation. Mista was gon' have to wait. 'Dorothy i love you.' Toby confessed. Dorothy stood there silent, probably nervous. 'No ones ever told me that before...i love you too.' Then they kissed. It wasn't just a quick peck on the lips, no, this was a long kiss. It was an 'i love you' kiss. 'Tonight i'm announcing my plans on staying and pursuing my acting career to my father.'  Toby announced. 'Oh Toby...' Dorothy sighed in pleasure 'I'm so proud of you.' she told him. They kissed again. I slid to the ground. Toby? An Actor? His father will kill him. Toby wasn't meant to be an actor, he was meant to be a lawyer or some kind of aristocrat, but not a actor. I already knew how his family would take it. And it wouldn't be well. I headed down the stairs to Mista's office in a daze and full of worry. I didn't want Toby to be disappointed when his father rejects his dream. Later that night the guests arrived. I had prepared dinner and was ready to serve it. Once everyone was seated at the table Dorothy arrived with the appetizers. Toby gave her a loving glance and she returned it with a touch on his shoulder. Because everyone else was busy chatting, no one had noticed. No one but Katie. She glared at the sight of Dorothy's hand on Toby's shoulder but kept herself under control, she did have guests after all. Dorothy rushed back into the kitchen to get the rest of the meal. Once everyone had been served and the dinner party was finishing up, Toby shot Dorothy and excited glance. I started to get worried. He stood and said, 'Excuse me everyone. I have a very exciting announcement.' All eyes were on Toby, I could feel his nervousness. 'I have decided to stay home and pursue my dream career of acting!' The room was dead silent. The smiles on both Dorothy and Toby's faces faded slowly. 'Father say something.' Toby begged. 'Would you like me to say how stupid of an idea this is? Or how disappointed I am in your decision?' Mista spat. The word 'disappointed' tore Toby to pieces, literally. He had never heard it out of his father's mouth before...he had never heard it out of anyone's mouth before. 'But Father....'Toby started. 'I mean how could you do this to your family!' 'Do this to my family?!' Toby stood up angrily. 'This isnt about my family, it's always about what you guys want and how you want me to live but this...this is about me for once!' 'HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT YOUR FATHER?!' screamed Toby's mother. Toby took a deep breath and collected himself. 'I'm sorry, I-i never meant to yell. I just feel as though you're not giving it a chance.' There was a deathly silence, then I guess Mista realized they had guests and tried to cover up the performance he and his family just gave by saying, 'Toby, maybe you should go to you room...' Toby nodded a heavy nod and left the table. He turned back right before exiting the dining room, 'Pardon me for ruining your dinner.' Then he was gone. I heard Dorothy open her mouth as to say something, but she closed it real quick once she realized where she was. Dinner was finished and Mista apologized to the guests one by one for the disturbance. 'Toby's not usually like this, I think it's the stress of law.' I  started on the dishes and dorothy started drying them. I could tell by the way she slumped she wanted so badly to go comfort Toby since she didnt get a chance before. 'Go.' i told her without looking up. She knew exactly what i meant and sped out the kitchen door. 

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