Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Once I finished the dishes, I headed up the stairs to the maid chambers where Dorothy and I shared a room. I was walking past Toby's room and saw the door was cracked. Dorothy was still in the room, sitting on the bed with her arm around Toby. 'I'm so sorry Toby, it's all my fault. I'm the one who suggested you tell your parents. I'm so sorry.' Toby looked at her,' Dorothy nothing is ever your fault, don't ever apologize. Besides, I put myself in that situation. I knew how my father would react.' Toby looked down in disappointment. Dorothy soothed her hands into Toby's now messy brown hair. He grabbed her hands and kissed them. He stared into her eyes, 'Dorothy i'm in love you.' Dorothy took a deep breath. 'Toby i love you so much more.' They kissed and kissed and kissed. I left, giving them privacy. The next morning, Dorothy walked into the kitchen like usual and asked about breakfast. 'I'm making eggs, but i need to start the bacon. Do you mind finishin' up here?' 'Course.' she smiled. Dorothy walked over to the stove, where the the food was. She took one look at eggs and rushed out the room, bumping into Katie-Anne. 'OH MY GOD!' Katie screamed. 'Dorothy watch where you are going! Good heavens!' I quickly followed Dorothy to the bathroom. When i got there she was leaning over the toilet, throwing up. "Dorothy!' i screeched. I pulled her hair off her shoulders and rubbed her back. Once  she finished. I stood her up and helped her wipe herself clean. 'Dorothy are you okay? Are you sick honey?' Dorothy looked at me with those wide eyes. She looked like the world was coming to an end. 'I'm fine.' was all she said. I automatically knew she was lying. How? Dorothy never lied. I nodded and let her walk away. I just stood there, confused. A couple days had past and Dorothy seemed normal, except for the fact she seemed less involved with Toby. He would signal for her to meet him somewhere private and she would just shake her head in protest. Her distance began to drive Toby crazy.  He came to the kitchen while Dororthy and i were cooking dinner with a wild expression. 'Dorothy!' he screamed full of rage. Dorothy jumped out of fear. She had never seen Toby like this before...neither had I. He grabbed her a drug her out the kitchen. I followed afraid of what Toby's anger might lead him to do. He took her to his room upstairs and cracked the door for some privacy. 'Toby are you insane?!' Dorothy whisper-yelled. 'Why have you be avoiding me, ignoring me,' he breathed in. 'I'm sorry, i just...why aren't you speaking to me? Did I do something?' Dorothy started to tear up,' No of course not....' Toby held her hands and lifted up her chin, 'What is it Dorothy? Darling, what's wrong?' Dorothy hung her head again, almost in shame. 'I'm pregnant.'I covered my mouth to hide my gasp. pregnant? PREGNANT? 'A-a-are you sure?' Toby stuttered. She shook her head. 'I went to the doctor yesterday and he confirmed it.' They were silent. 'I'm—' 'Don't you dare apologize.' Toby interuppted. 'Our child is nothing to apologize about, Dorothy. Besides...this is amazing.' Dorothy's head sprung up, 'amazing?' 'Yes. This is our child and i'll love it just as much as i love you.' Dorothy smiled, then frowned. 'What are we going to do Toby?' Toby thought. 'I will have to tell my family.' Dorothy's face went white. 'NO! we cant, we cant' 'We have to. They'll eventually find out anyway.' They both thought this time. 'Fine. Then i'm telling them with you.' Toby must've ran out of fight because he just nodded and led the way to the hallway. I ran back to the kitchen. The whole time i could hear Dorothy's voice repeating the word pregnant in my head again and again. Mista is gon' kill Toby...OH GOD! What will happen to Dorothy. What about the baby? I worried. I could hear Toby and Dorothy's footsteps to Mista's office. My heart dropped. I peeked out the kitchen door. Toby was holding Dorothy's hand but then...then a familiar voice spoke out. 'Yes son. It is probably just a phase, we all know Toby has had them before. He is a different child. You just have to gently direct him in the direction you want him to go in.' My heart stopped. I knew that voice, everyone in the house did. It was Master MacloVoy. Mista MacloVoy's father, Katie and Toby's grandfather. The man who owned all the money, all the homes, and assigned every future. My skin crawled. If Toby's grandfather found out about Toby and Dorothy...he'd burn the mansion down. I panicked. I was about to run and tear those two apart until i saw Toby drop Dorothy's hand and gasp in fear. 'G-grandfather. It's's nice to see you.' 'Toby!' Master threw his hands in the air in joy and hugged Toby, who didnt hug back. 'We were just speaking about you son.' Master glanced over to Dorothy who stood there frozen in fear. She'd never met master but trust i filled her in on everything she needed to know about him. 'Can i help you?' he spat at her. Dorothy just stood. 'Do you hear me speaking to you, Nigger?' He pushed Toby aside and faced Dorothy. I felt sick to my stomach. 'Uh-Dorothy why don't you go help Esther in the kitchen?' Toby cut in. The feeling of his hand on her back awoke her from her daze. Master stared at Toby's hand and realized the effect it had on Dorothy. He raised an eyebrow. Dorothy hurried into the kitchen, bumping into me. 'Esther!' she said while catching her breath. 'The M-master h-he's..' 'I know.' I answered. I put my hand on her stomach. 'and i know you're pregenant.' She looked up at me with those wide eyes. 

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