ColorBlind: A Story of Forbidden Love

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I had searched a thousand times..a million times. Why was this story so important to me? God, I dont even know but it definitely was. All my life my grandma told me how she never had a mother. How she never had any parents at all. I guess i was intrigued on figuring out why. I had found bits and pieces to my great-grandmas story like where she was born, where she was raised, and what her occupation was. It was never enough, i always needed more. Just recently i found out where she worked until her death, the MacloVoy Mansion. She was a maid there for about 3 months. "thats a very short time." i wondered to myself. I figured her death ended her career. I searched and searched for someone who would've known her. I made lists of names of the maids that worked there during that time but they were all deceased...well except for one. Esther Malley. She was the oldest living maid of the MacloVoy fortune. A solid 90 years old. Supposedly Esther was the longest working maid of the MacloVoys. This made her the most trusted, almost like she was apart of the family but not because she was colored. I thought about it. Esther was the one person I had to talk to. The only one who would know the true story of my great-grandparents. The only one who would know my grandma's story.

I head out to her home, I had found the address in the phone book, and thought over everything i'd say. I started to get nervous. Esther was 90 years old. What if she didn't remember my grandma? What if i got the wrong maid? 'Suck it up.' i told myself. It was a risk i was going to have to take. I pulled up to her home, it was small and cozy. Almost cute. You could tell an elderly lived here. I walked up to the door and gave it a loud knock. I went over my lines again in my head until i heard the sound of the door unlocking. It was a woman, obviously not 90 years old. I stared to panic. "Can i help you?' the woman asked. 'Um, yes. My name is Christina Morris and i'm here to talk to Miss Esther Malley?" The woman looked at me curious, " Yes i'm her granddaughter . She's in the kitchen would you like to come in?" I nodded and headed inside. The house smelled of pine and honey, a good combination. The woman led me into the kitchen where Esther sat at the table drinking hot tea. "Grandma, someone has come to visit you." Her granddaughter said. Esther looked up at me and smiled. "Hello." she said in a sweet voice. "Hi, my name is Christina." "hello, i'm Esther." she said shaking my hand. My heart stopped. All the lines i had practiced just faded from my memory. '"I-i work for Mississippi Square, t-the newspaper company. I was asked to come interview you on the mystery murder of the Dorothy-Mae. The colored maid that the police found dead in the forrest in 1930." Esther stared at me, she had to know i was lying. "Researchers told us you were the closet one to her in the house at the time...." Esther nodded and picked up her tea."That is true, Dorothy was my best friend." I just studied her. She looked well for 90. Her hair was all grey and she had some wrinkles but she seemed to hold her own. "...her death, however, was not a mystery. It was a murder."  My head snapped up. "A murder?" Esther looked at me with sad eyes then she led me over to a shelf on the wall in the living room. "Come along."  she motioned. I followed. She reached to get a picture on the end. It was dusty, my guess from not being touched for awhile. It was also black and white. "That's Dorothy..." she pointed to the younger looking girl. She looked about 17. "That's your grandmother." I stared at her, mouth wide opened. "H-how did you know?" Esther just laughed. " well at first i thought you just looked like her, which you really do. You two could've been twins, i swear." I still stared in shock. ".. but then i knew when you looked at me with the same wide eye'd look Dorothy would give when she was frightened." She laughed again, but this time it was a sad laugh. "But it really hit me when i saw Toby's blue eyes..." "Toby?" She nodded. There was a long silence while she hung her head low. "What happened, Esther?" I asked breaking the tension. I figure she could tell the curiosity was killing me because she took a deep breath as to began a story....I listened in closely.

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