Don't Act Up

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Kinah's POV:

I'm with my girls, Kayla and Leia, at the club for girls night.

K: Girl this is the best night ever.

Me: Yeah, girl, I finally get to get out of the house!

L: Trey be trying to keep you in the house?

Me: Yes! You expect me to be a full-time girl at home? I don't think so!

We all laugh as I take another shot of tequila.

L: Alright, let's go home before we won't have a designated driver.

K: Yeah because I'm not it.

Me: Or me.

I giggle and we all leave the club. Leia stops and her mouth drops.

L: Kinah? Trey is here.

Me: What?

I look and he is looking at me as he walks towards me.

Me: Oh lord.

T: Kinah, I thought you was with your girls?

Me: Don't you see Leia and Kayla? We are having a girls night out like I said.  Now calm down Trey.

T: Wearing something like that? Why the club?

Me: I am a grown ass lady! You ain't my daddy ok? I wear what I want, do what I want and you can't do anything about it ok? Now move!

I push him out of the way and walk towards Leia's car. Leia meets me at the car and grabs my hand.

L: You need to leave with Trey and apologize for what you said.

Me: No! He always treat me like he own me! I'm grown! I pay bills and file taxes every year!

L: Kinah! Go home with Trey!

I cross my arms and walk towards Trey's car. We get in the car and ride in silence. The whole ride I just look out the window. We get to the house and I go straight in the house. I walk upstairs and into our room. I strip to my underwear and go to the bathroom when Trey grabs my hand.

T: You can't keep ignoring me like I did something wrong.

I ignore him and get out of his grip. He grabs me by my arms and pins me on the bed.

T: If you think you are going to act a damn fool in public and then ignore me like I did something, you messed with the wrong one.

Me: If you think you are just going to pin me on this bed after embarrassing  me tonight, you messed with the wrong one.

T: You know your attitude is getting on my nerves.

Me: Well you have been on my nerves since I saw you at the club.

He turns me on my stomach.

T: First, don't ever talk to me like that again.

He spanks me hard and I shriek.

Me: Boy who the hell do you think you are? Let me the hell go!

He spanks me again.

T: What did I say about talking to me like that?

He turns me back over and looks at me.

T: Keep your arms up and don't make a sound.

Me: What are you going to do?

T: Disobey and you will see.

He starts kissing down my chest and stomach as I try to hide it. I move a little bit and he stops.

T: Don't move unless I tell you to understand?

I roll my eyes at him.

T: Did you just roll your eyes at me?

Me: Yes I did! What the hell are you going to do?

He smiles as he stands up and pulls me onto my feet. He holds my hands behind my back and bends me over the counter.

T: You really need to control that attitude of yours little girl.

Me: Who are you calling little?

He spanks me hard again and I shriek.

T: You. Every time you act up, you get a spanking. Don't act up.

He place his fingers on my panties and start rubbing me through them.

T: You like that?

I try to hide my moans and bite my lip.

T: I know you like it.

Me: I hate you right now.

He spanks me again.

T: What did I just say?

He turns me around to face him and he sit me on the counter.

T: Don't move or make a sound until I tell you to.

He starts kissing down my chest and stomach again as I watch him. I lick my lips as he gets closer to my panties. I lean back as he has his hands on the sides of my panties, slowly pulling them off. He looks up at me and lust fills both of us. He go down and begin eating me out. I tilt my head back, trying to stay quiet as he grabs my thighs tight. I move my hair out of my face as I continue biting my lip. He kiss my lips as I smile. He kiss back up my body and kiss me with his wet lips.

T: Good girl, now go shower up and come back for more.

He backs up and I look at him like he is crazy.

T: Don't worry baby, I'll give you the rest after you take a shower.

Me: Why can't I get it while I'm in the shower?

T: Oh you can't wait for Daddy?

Me: Keep teaching me a lesson daddy.

He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom.

T: This is going to be a long night.

Me: Yes it will.

I close the bathroom door behind us. Love how daddy puts me in check!

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