A(somehow) Normal Date ( P2 )

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"O-Oi ! W-What are you doing you basta-" Lal was cut off by Colonnello who was currently blindfolding her , for who knows what reason . Lal was internally killing , torturing , castrating Colonnello for this . Also , regretting the fact she agreed. Well she haven't asked a question why he was doing this .

"W-Why are you doing this ?" She asked , her face as bright as a fresh tomato .

"Because it's a surprise , kora!" He said , carrying her bridal style which she protested.

"OI , PUT ME DOWN!" Lal protested , kicking and punching Colonnello.

"Not granted , kora." He responded.

"Put . Me. Down ." She commanded.

"You're not my commander now , kora. So-"He leaned down a bit and kissed her purposely so she would shut and behave . Apparently , the woman opened her mouth , closed it , opened it again.

"Sheesh... W-Why did you do that?" Her face was brighter than the other one earlier .

"Because you're my girlfriend , kora."

"You're a bastard." Was the words she said and behaved like a little girl who follows what her mom says to her . There was another fact she did behave . It's because , She likes being close to Colonnello secretly. xxxxxxxx  

"Idiot , how long will it take?" She groaned , if she could just see where Colonnello is , she would shoot him to death .

"Just wait kora. Oh look we're here." He replied , removed her blindfold and put her down to see the nice sunset ever.

"You said it was a date. I wasn't expecting this . " She said , sitting down in the grass , not giving a damn about her dress.

Colonnello frowned on her response a bit , "Don't you like it, Lal?" He sat beside her and laid her head to his lap so she can relax.

"Ofcourse not , idiot. I like it and you know it , I wouldn't call this a date but this is damn . Beautiful . Wow , to be honest I never knew I could use the word beautiful in my sentences ." She replied , not complaining on how they actually look right now . She smiled for a bit on the beautiful sunset she ever saw in her life , Colonnello caught it .

He then put his hands on her face and , "You should smile like that often , Lal . It makes you look more ladylike , kora." He teased at the last sentence , knowing he would receive a proper beating from Lal . Afterall , he is a masochist.

"I'll get you back on that , Colonnello. And , no im not going to beat you up like I always did , Im not in the mood." She responded , subconsciously taking one of Colonnello's hand and putting hers on it. Even Colonnello can't believe what she was doing !

He sweatdropped and said ,"Uhh , Lal , its unusually for you to do this , kora."

"What? O-Oh!" Lal then let go of his hands and quickly got up and sat like a normal people would do . She tried to hide the blush from Colonnello with her wavy hair , oh , It's really helpful that I was longer than it was last month.

"N-No its okay , really , kora." He said .

"You blindfolded me in the middle of the park , and carried me in this pretty high mountain . We could go camping here sometimes . Can we atleast go here once again ? Or atleast tell me how you found this extremely awesome place!" She said , still staring at the sunset.

He thought of it for a few seconds and nodded at her , just after that , Lal fell asleep on his shoulders.

Don't tell me she got tired of it , She woke up early after all , kora! He thought.

   On the other side of the mountain ..

"Shit ! THE CAMERA DIED WHEN THE BASTARD KISSED LAL !" Reborn cursed the camera for dying multiple times .

Fon sighed at this sight , It was 'normal' afterall . "Honestly , it was a bad timing , But I think Viper got a snapshot ." He said in his usual sexy voice that his fandom loved and then turning to the cloaked wearing illusionist.

"Hm? Yeah , I took one , asian . And it was sent to multiple people , even to Varia . Lus would surely love it and Squalo and Boss would probably awe at it ." She responded , until finally..

Luce ran around , squealing about the sight she just saw . For your information , everyone , Tsuna was left with Skull .
Lets go back to the topic. Lets simply say they were keeping an eye more like , Stalking their friends . Reborn was using a telescope which has a function to take a snapshot , modified by their fabulous scientist Verde , Fon and Viper was using the same as Reborn , while Luce wasn't actually using something .

The woman just saw the picture from Viper and made sure to make multiple copies of it so even if she deleted one of it , she still have copies , cases where a certain Lal founds out they stalked .

"Hey , shortie , give me a copy and I'll let a certain someone see it." Reborn said , wearing a very scary smirk , matching with his voice.

Viper shrugged a bit and sent it to Reborn , "Pay for that , stubborn hitman." She hissed.

"There you , twerp." He said , handing 50 bucks to the illusionist which smirked on the money she just got. Reborn sent it to CEDEF's current boss which is Iemitsu who immediately -

"ISN'T THAT COLONNELLO AND LAL , REBORN?" Iemitsu said on the phone call.

"YES IT WAS THEM , KISSING." Reborn replied.

"WHEN WOULD THE WEDDING BEGIN . I-I didn't mean that! PLEASE DON'T MENTION THAT TO LAL , PLEASE." The boss begged on the phone call.

"Yeah , yeah . I won't. Do you like it? The photo?"

"WHO WOULDN'T LIKE THAT PHOTO , REBORN ! Oh , I'll pay you later ! I sent it to others , they would like it. Also inform Lal that we would be coming home early maybe 2 weeks or 3 weeks , Reborn . Thanks!" Iemitsu then dropped the call , probably rushing to see Oregano and others reaction on what they saw.


The two head home and after a few poking Lal woke up from the deep slumber .

"You know , You look cute when you're sleeping , kora!" Colonnello said , lying on their bed.

"I'll let you off for that , Im gonna take a damn bath ! Tomorrow would be hell." She said , slamming the bathroom door , she lowered her voice on the last sentence that Colonnello didn't heared it . Colonnello immediately fell asleep and Lal just tucked herself in the covers and drifted to dreamland also .


Thanks for reading everyone !

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