(Not-so) Interrogation

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Reborn, Luce, Fon and Viper sat around Colonnello and Lal to talk about something 'important' while Verde was recording the whole talk/interrogation for blackmail purposes and Skull entertaining Tsuna with his 'cool' stunts , which Tsuna found amusing. ( PS : It was a video )

"NOW! LAL MIRCH TELL THE TRUTH!"They all said in unison; slamming the table hard, almost to the point of breaking it.

Lal blinked innocently. "Tell you what?"

"Don't lie to mama Luce!" Luce growled, and Lal scooted away, feeling scared of her wrath.

Lal gulped. "W-W-We are not in a rela--" Colonnello cut off Lal by closing her mouth with his left hand and pulled her head to his chest and grinned. Lal immediately blushed with the skin contact.

'H-H-He is so war-- WAIT. LAL MIRCH, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?!' She embarrassingly punched Colonello's stomach hard and he winced in pain.

"B-But we had been dating for a month, kora!!"Colonnello whined as he got punched, and grinned mischievously as he attempted to make Lal sit on his lap, getting a slap and a low kick from Lal in return.

"Such abusive girlfriend. You guys had been dating for a month but yet she treat her boyfriend like that." Reborn snorted, but silently winced when Luce stomped on his feet, feeling angry at what Reborn said.

"Tell us a full story when and how the two of you met again." Reborn asked .

Luce suddenly thought of something when Reborn asked that one -

"Isn't it obvious?~" She sang .

They all blinked at the ex-mafia boss "What do you mean?"

"Destiny~" She sang for the second time.

The others gave her a poker face when she said that . But well , It's possible that its really destiny .

"Luce ,honey."Lal said with a 'sweet' voice mixed with a sadistic one. She shooed Reborn who is beside Luce and sat beside her. " Destiny or such isn't possible . But some of your predictions or destiny thing have came true but that isn't possible to happen to us , you know.." Lal said blandly.

"Dear , it is possible. Can someone tell what I always say when Im sick?"

Almost of them don't know about what Luce is talking about , they gave her a 'what are you talking about' look.

"Come on , Reborn , dear I know you heard it." She said in a motherly yet strict voice.

"Yes mama Luce. Well she's been saying this when she got sick one time. I never thought that the two of you had a child , Lal and Colonnello! Since when did you two got together? , after that one she seemed to ask you two in her dream , Oh ~ On CEDEF I see. – and after all of those , I don't know . I fell asleep when im staying with her ." Reborn said .

"Well . All of those are right , dear. Don't worry."

Lal looked at Reborn and gave him an 'are you serious' look. Reborn nodded at her.

"That's.Not.Possible.That.Wont.Happen." She said blandly.

The asian coughed ,"What do you mean , Lally? Its proven that Luce's dreams is extremely accurate ." Fon said out of all people.

"Ha-ha, out of all people , Lal , Fon is scolding you!" Viper said ; pointing her fingers to her friend while laughing at her. Lal threw a shoe at her which she easily evaded with passion.

"Bitch." Lal cursed under her breath. Viper stuck a tongue out to her and left to go to Varia mansion to bug Xanxus and his husband Squalo .

"Calm down , kora." Colonnello said , putting an arm around her.

"Shut up ! Stop doing that!"Lal protested , trying to get out of the hug; punching him in the stomach .

"I know you love me , Lal~"Colonnello teased , but slightly winced when she stomped on his handsome foot.

Lal bit his hand when he got unconscious of it and break her free from it. Unfortunately , the two seemed to forget that the others are still around them.

Luce coughed , "Ehem. You two , what are you planning to do ?"She said in a stern but motherly voice.

"We haven't planned. We will have a talk once this bastard approached me with a very good mood , which seems too impossible to happen." Lal said ; pointing to Colonnello who was about to say something but was cut-offed by his girlfriend .

Colonnello gulped , "Well what she said was true , kora,"

"Lal , are you not blackmailing him?" Luce said sternly , slamming both of her hands on the table .

"Yes I'm not lying. Not like we can do a talk with a child around us , Mama Luce."She replied with a blank look , did a gesture that means 'can't do it' .

Reborn choked on what Lal replied , "Pfftt- So you want to have your own little time?~"Reborn said with a not so innocent look mixed with a perverted one.

"REBORN,"Luce said before stomping him on the foot so hard that the floor will break. The look on the hitman's face earlier faded and changed with a hurt one , he winced in pain and held his foot up in pain .

Lal smirked and gave Luce a look , 'Good job mama Luce' .

"I don't want to interrupt the interrogation but it's a little late now , Luce." Viper said ; walking on the living room sipping a strawberry milk . They all turned their attention to her until -

"Ehem. Ok just as Viper said .. it's a bit late now , we should get back on our own rooms ." Fon said quietly.

"Fon , stop talking quietly , we could barely hear it!" They said .

Skull and Tsuna are finally done watching his 'cool' stunts . The child had a confused look why was the woman with a circular hat , scolding Lal . He walked towards them and ,

"Luce-san , why are you scolding , mommy?" Tsuna said , half-heartedly teasing Lal .

Luce got shocked on what just the child addressed Lal , She's starting to like the future 10th Vongola Boss' personality , plus Colonnello who sent a thumbs-up .

"Oh my-! Lal! You just kidnapped Tsuna! " Luce squealed at the navy-blue haired woman who was glaring at Tsuna and Colonnello , who has the grin he first used when it was his first day on COMSUBIN .

Lal groaned at what the woman said , "Don't you start it also , brat. Also Luce , We're just next to your room , you're free to have the child since your eyes says so . Please return him tomorrow since Iemitsu is going to kill us if he found out that his child is missing." She scoffed , rubbing her temples.

Luce squealed and glomped Lal when she said that and took Tsuna with her and Reborn . While the others followed them and went to their respective rooms.

Colonnello sweatdropped , "Why do I have the feeling that we won't find him anymore , kora?" he said , gulping slightly.

Lal nodded on what he said and went to the shower to take a bath.

"Im gonna rest on the bed , kora."Colonnello said , heading towards the large bed they got , which he got no answer since Lal was busy taking a shower.

After 10 minutes , Lal was done on the shower and got out of the bathroom with only white towel around her. She didn't pay attention on picking clothes , it resulted that she was wearing a dark blue nightgown that would make Colonnello drool . Yes , drool .

"Aren't you going to sleep with m-Oh , Lal. You look so gorgeous ."He said , winking at her and gave her a look that says 'You're just mine' .

"S-Shut up! W-What have I told you about saying things like that!?" Lal said , tucking herself on the bed with her 'STUDENT' , still blushing madly on what he said .

Colonnello kissed her on the forehead and grabbedher waist and pulled her to his chest . She protested for 5 minutes but stoppedand relaxed , the bastard felt satisfied and drifted off to dreamland.

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