Chapter One: A Sweet Burden

Start from the beginning

Very weird if you'd ask me.

"You can't believe how prettier I've gotten?" I retorted back with my tongue stuck out.

"You sure did, you got that shape now." He winked as he gestured his hands to form a feminine figure in the air in front of him.

"Perverted moss head!" I smacked his face. "Drop it, okay? Our families are already waiting." My face steamed with embarrassment as I walked away looking for another taxi. "If you have arrived earlier, you should have sniffed your way to our house, you're not some middle school brat."

"And I'm not some stray dog either. I can't just sniff my way to somewhere." He replied. "And why such a very rude front?" He asked which had me thinking for a while.

Rude front?

"I promise that I won't let you fall in love with me, at least not again." I furiously turned around to face him. My face went deep red in anger. I was quite sure that he was very proud of himself that I did that, his face was showing it all, annoyingly proud. Knowing that I had just bitten and tore off the bait he flung at me, I just turned my back against him. There's just some times that it's best to leave things be, at least I'm mature enough to acknowledge that.

Imagining that he's probably disappointed that I didn't play right through his cards, he continued. "Here I'll prove it, you can carry my bags as a start. Oh wait, girls fall for a'holes. Sorry. Totally forgot about that. I'll just carry these myself." I can practically feel his smirk piercing right through behind me.

"But what if you are those kind of girls that are into nice guys? Well ain't this a dilemma for the Great and Charming Andrew." He flicked his hair. Of course I did not see him flick his hair but it was very easy to imagine.

Gosh, he just doesn't give up very easily.

"I just came here to pick you up, nothing more and nothing less." I answered and rolled my eyes to the end of my skull.

I successfully hailed a taxi within a minute and went inside immediately. After he was able to place his bags inside the back of the taxi, he went in beside me as well.

Oh, I forgot to tell you his name, sorry for the rudeness, I didn't mean to have it rubbed on me. His name is Andrew Hayden, a very close childhood friend. Our grandfathers were very close friends during the previous war which seemed to be a thousand millennia ago, that's how our families got tied together. And oh, I'm Maybelle Maple, same age as Drew. Yeah I call him Drew because it's easier and shorter, just like the way how he calls me May.

We're both seventeen years old.

We have different likes at everything. I like sweet, he likes spicy. I like to sing, he likes to dance. My hair is brownish and his is green. But nonetheless we get along surprisingly well, you ask about our relationship? More of a sibling-kind-of relationship, you know, having all that share of childhood fights, quarrels and misunderstandings.


We are technically like step-siblings.

We got separated when we were ten when his grandfather died. His family took him to their home city in LaRousse for the burial. Drew continued his studies there for the past seven years. You ask how I felt back then when he left? Well sorry to burst your little bubble of hope, but I didn't cry and bawl my eyes out. Okay, I may have I cried more than just a little.

"Hey, keep it still will you?" I scolded him when I noticed him moving a bit more often.

"I can't believe how this place have changed so much!" I don't know if it was pure amusement or some lame attempt to catch my attention so I just rolled my eyes. Again. Like seriously, my eyes are starting to hurt from all this rolling.

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