June 30, Part 1

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I was peacefully sleeping when a pillow hit me in the face. I sat straight up in surprise to find Erin grinning at me.

At first I was confused as to why she was in my room. Then I remembered the events of last night...

"I think I want to break up." I blurted out.

"What?" Anger and confusion flashed in Connors eyes.

"I want to break up." I repeated.

"Why?" His voice sounded hurt.

"I have feelings for someone else." I stuttered.

That hadn't gone down well. Connor was hurt and furious and ended up deserting me. Which is why Erin was in my room now.

"Are you ready to initiate the plan?" Erin asked excitedly.

"Yeah I guess." I shrugged.

"Okay!" She said jumping up and down on the bed. "Step one is make Toby jealous. I already called the girls to come over to help make you look breath taking."

"The girls?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah! Kayla, Sandra, Nora, and Britt!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "What would I do with out you?"

"Probably die single." She shrugged.

"Erin!" I exclaimed.

She laughed. "It's true!"

I glared at her. "No it's not."

She laughed. "Whatever floats your boat."

I rolled my eyes. "So what exactly is the plan?" I asked.

"Glad you asked!" Erin said excitedly. "The plan is simple. Make Toby jealous. How are we going to do this? Easy. First we will dress you to perfection so that every guy at the party will be tripping over themselves to dance with you. Toby of course will be right there with the others vying for your attention but you can't favor him." She said seriously. "By the end of the night Toby will be soo jealous that he will fall at your feet and beg for a chance to prove himself!"

"Wow." I raised an eyebrow. "You've put a lot of thought into this."

"Yep!" She jumped off the bed. "Breakfast first then beauty!" She pulled me downstairs to the kitchen where a stack of pancakes waited.

"Pancakes!" I said my eyes lighting up.


I had just finished my pancakes when the girls arrived.

"Oh my gosh. This is going to be so much fun!" Britt squealed.

I smiled widely. "Thanks for coming guys. I really appreciate it."

"Of course!" Nora said. "I'm just glad you finally dumped Connor."

"We want allll the details!" Sandra said, her eyes sparkling. "Like what his face looked like when you dumped him!"

"Yeah!" Kayla squealed. "I hope you crushed his pathetic little heart!"

My eyes widened. "Pathetic little heart?"

"Yeah! That jerk dated and dumped every single one of us!" Kayla said bitterly. "I bet he'll chase after Erin next."

Erin snorted. "As if I would ever go out with him."

"How can you all still be friends with him knowing that he dumped you?" I asked curiously.

Nora laughed. "He's too stupid to stay mad at."

"Too sexy to hate." Sandra sighed.

"Too close to the guys to escape." Britt smiled.

"And over all so idiotic that it's hard to believe I dated him in the first place." Kayla stated.

I laughed. "Agreed. To all of the above."

"So, back to the present." Erin said clapping her hands to get our attention. "Let's start with nails!"

The next hour was spent doing each other's nails and gossiping. I, of course, shared every detail of the break up, Erin updated us on her "not stalker", Kayla shared fashion tips, and all together we laughed and had a good time.

"Okay, so now what?" I asked blowing my nails to dry them. Kayla had done a French manicure with little flower designs.

"Eyebrows. Definitely eyebrows." Erin said looking down at a schedule.

"Are you implying that we have bad eyebrows?" Sandra asked looking offended.

Erin chuckled nervously. "Of course not..."

Nora rolled her eyes. "Well that was convincing." She said sarcastically.

"Anyways we are on a tight schedule so let's get started!" Erin said quickly.

We all laughed and moved on to the next thing. We worked on everything from perfect eyebrows to gorgeous hair. We took a short break for lunch before continuing. By five-thirty we were all dressed for the party.

Erin wore a pink strapless dress with strappy heels and a white mask. Her hair was down in soft curls and she had on light make up.

Kayla wore a sleeveless, forest green dress with black heels and a matching green mask. Her hair was braided in a crown braid and she had a smokey eye.

Nora wore a dark purple dress with silver heels and a silver mask. Her hair was left straight with a purple headband and minimal makeup.

Sandra had on a rose colored dress that's short in the front and long in the back with sparkly flats and a black mask. Her hair was in a fancy ponytail.

Britt had on a navy, floor length dress with gold belt, heels, and mask. Her hair was styled in a waterfall braid and she had winged eyeliner.

I wore a knee length black dress. The skirt stood out like a tutu. I paired it with red heels and a white mask. My hair was fixed in an elaborate ballerina bun and I had on stud earrings.

I have to say, I think all of us looked pretty hot. I felt like a celebrity descending our sweeping staircase flanked by my entourage, I mean bff's. To say that we made a grand entrance is an understatement. Everyone stopped to stare at us, jaws dropped and I heard more than one whistle.

The girls were immediately claimed by their boyfriends. I, however, was swamped by boys flirting and offering dances. I couldn't help the giddy feeling at the sight of Toby's jealous face. He pushed people out of the way and came to stand in front of me.

"Miss Byrd, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday." Toby said grinning at me. "And might I say you look stunning tonight."

I blushed. "Why thank you."

"Man." He said sweeping his gaze over my outfit again. "Your boyfriend better come claim you soon or else someone may whisk you away."

"Oh. Me and Connor broke up." I shrugged. "We just weren't right for each other."

"Ellie!" Someone calls. I hurried away to greet other leaving Toby to stare after me.

Teenage DreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin