June 26

35 5 1

"So Connor," I said as we sat on the porch swing. "What started the fight the other night?"

"We were both a little drunk and stupid. Toby misunderstood something I said and threw a punch. I fought back in self defense." Connor said draping an arm across my shoulder.

"Oh." I said scooting closer to Connor. "How did y'all get drunk so quickly?" I asked.

"We were doing shots of vodka." He smirked. "You'd be surprised how fast that stuff works."

"I don't think I ever want to be drunk." I remarked thoughtfully.

Connor laughed. "Why is that?"

"Well I don't know how I would act." I said. "What if I acted stupid and said crazy things? What if I prank called the police or something? I could go to jail!" I exclaimed.

   Connor laughed so hard he nearly fell off of the swing.

"Hey! It could happen!" I said defensively.

"Your right." He said to appease me. I playfully hit his chest.

"I'm always right." I smiled.

"Yep that's my girl. So humble." Connor chuckled. His face was inches away from mine. I blushed and bit my lip. He leaned in and our lips met.

"Um.. Are you the people who ordered pizza?" Someone said nervously.

I broke away blushing furiously.

"Ooh pizzas here!" Valerie squealed coming out and paying the delivery guy.

   He handed over the pizza then quickly got in his car and left. I groaned.

"What's your problem?" Valerie asked raising an eyebrow. "Your boyfriend finally admit to being gay?"

I glared at her. "No. We were in the middle of a moment." I snapped.

"You think I'm gay?!" Connor asked sounding furious and hurt. "Why the hel-" he broke off. "I mean why the heck would you think that?" He demanded.

"Flawless skin, stylish clothes, nerd glasses?! Not to mention a modeling job." Valerie said as if she was stating the obvious.

"All of those things are easily explained. I model for my aunts company, which is where I get my stylish clothes. The nerd glasses are to help me see. And flawless skin? That's just good genes." He stated. "So I am not, nor will I ever be gay."

"Fine. You win this battle." Valerie said narrowing her eyes. "But I swear I will win the war." With that she hurried inside with the pizza.

I turned to look at Connor who was glaring at the door. "Sorry about that." I apologized.

"It's not your fault." He sighed.

"Wanna get some pizza? If we hurry there might be some left." I suggested.

"Yeah sure." He smiled taking my hand.

"Oh there you are!" Sanako said. "Daddy wants to see both of you in the dinning room right now!"

"Did he seem mad?" I asked nervously.

She shrugged. "Only a little. But that's cause mama got on to him for swearing in front of Anthony."

"Oh." I said fidgeting. "Let's just get this over with." I sighed looking at Connors pale face.

"Ahh. Eliana, Connor, so nice of you to join us." Dad said from the head of the table. "Come sit. I saved each of you a seat next to me."

   I looked at my mom begging her with my eyes to do something. She just shrugged and continued eating.
Me and Connor took our seats across from each other.

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