June 29

32 4 1

Toby's p.o.v.

   I sat in Waffle House staring glumly at my coffee cup. I didn't know why I was there. I just needed to get away from the house before I drove myself crazy staring at Connors car in Eliana's driveway.

"Hey Toby." A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Sara." I greeted the little red headed waitress. She was about my age, pretty and petite.

"You look a little sad. Can I get you something?" She asked.

"No thanks." I replied trying to smile and failing miserably.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked softly.

"I guess." I had known Sara almost as long as i had known Blake. "There's this girl..." I trailed off.

"What about her?" Sara pried gently.

"She's really great and I like her a lot but she's dating Connor." I sighed.

"Oh." Her green eyes held sympathy. "I'm sorry Toby. I know what it feels like to have feelings for someone that doesn't return those feelings."

I just stared at the table dejectedly.

"Are you going to the party at Nora's tonight?" Sara asked in attempted to change the subject.

"Yeah I guess. Are you?"

"I don't know." She said uncertainly.

  I knew there was no way Eliana would dump Connor so I decided to move on. I squared my shoulders. "Wanna go with me?"

Eliana's p.o.v.

   I was pleasantly surprised to find that tonight's party was just a small gathering of thirty people. Me and Connor made our way inside.

"Hey guys!" Nora greeted us. "Wanna come to the living room? I think Blake's trying to start up some game."

"Yeah sure." I replied smiling happily. My smile slipped when I saw Toby sitting on the couch with a pretty redhead.

"Listen up!" Blake shouted. "Who wants to play spin the bottle?"

"Yeah!" Everyone quickly consented.

   Blame grabbed an empty bottle and placed it in the middle of the floor. Nora's livingroom was large enough for everyone to sit in a circle on the ground. I ended up between Connor and a dark haired girl I had never met before. Erin sat across from me between Sandra and Kayla.

"I'll go first." Blake said spinning the bottle with a flourish. It landed on Britt who sat a few places down. Blake walked over, pulled her to her feet and dramatically kissed her lips.

   I rolled my eyes and smiled at his antics watching as Britt spun the bottle. It landed on Connor, who laughed as Britt pecked him on the cheek before sitting back down.

"I hope this lands on you baby doll." Connor said spinning the bottle. It did land on me. I blushed as he leaned over and kissed me in front of everyone.

"Awe. Ellie's so cute when she blushes!" Blake said in an annoying baby voice. I rolled my eyes and took my turn spinning the bottle. It landed on Erin and I gave her a quick peck.

  The game continued with different people kissing each other. I didn't pay much attention till the bottle landed on Toby. Jealousy filled me as I watched the red headed girl, whose name I learned was Sara, kiss him on the lips.

"I'll be right back." I said to Connor before hurrying to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door before starting my rant. "I can't believe she kissed him like that!" I said furiously. "It's not like there dating! What kind of girl throws herself at a guy like that?!" I took a deep breath. Once I had calmed myself I opened the bathroom door.

"Are you done ranting?" Asked the girl I had been sitting beside during the game.

I blushed. "How much did you hear?" I asked.

"Enough to know you practically think Sara's a slut." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me into an empty room.

"What are you doing?" I asked in alarm.

"Chill. I just want to know why your dating Connor when you so clearly like Toby." She said.

"I don't like Toby." I said adamantly.

"Oh really?" She smirked. "Then I guess you don't care that Toby kissed me after you left?"

My eyes widened.

"And I have to say he is an excellent kiss-"

"He did want?!" I interrupt her.

She smirks triumphantly. "I knew you liked him!"

I blushed embarrassed for falling for her trick.

"So let's hear it. Why are you dating Connor?" She asked.

"I don't know. I mean I like him it's just not the same as Toby." I said hanging my head. "Plus Toby probably doesn't like me back."

She laughed. "Doesn't like you back? You could practically see  steam coming out of his ears when Connor kissed you."

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

She nodded.

"So what do I do then?" I asked uncertainly.

"Follow your heart." She smiled before turning to leave the room.

"Wait!" I call hurrying after her. "I didn't catch your name."

"It's Jaylyn." She smiled then left.

   I headed back to the living room to find the game had ended.

"Connor can I talk to you in privet for a minute?" I asked nervously.

"Sure babe." He said smiling brightly.

We walked outside into the warm night air. I bit my lip nervously.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Connor asked.

"Umm.." I said avoiding his eyes.

"Eliana what's wrong?" He asked in concern.

Unable to think of a nice way of putting it I just blurt out. "I think I want to break up."

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