Chapter 83: When We Were Us

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"Do you remember the first time you met me?" Demi murmurs, her light eyes gazing up at me through the dark.

A smile tugs on my lips for the first time today, and I meet her chartreuse eyes. "Of course. Why?"

"I've just been thinking a lot lately," Demi murmurs, bringing her legs to her chest. "You know, because that's what you do when someone dies."

The tone in her voice changes, and I find myself shifting closer to her. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Well, I mean." Demi wipes her nose. "I didn't know her like Kirbena did. She was still a squad mate to me, though. I wasn't really truly on the squad, but..."

"Yes you were," I reply.

She gives me a look of disbelief. "Oh please, Ky. Don't lie to me.

"So why bring up when we first met?"

"Because," she sighs. "I need someone to remember me. Not as the half yukos girl they locked up in a QR, or the brainwashed girl that set a bomb off during a dance. I want to be remembered for me, for being a good friend and a good squad mate. I know I haven't done a good job so far, but I'm learning. Right? Say you'll remember me."

I gaze at her, extending my hand out. I hold my pinky finger up, a small smile adorning my features. "I'll always remember you. Promise."

She links her pinky with mine, meeting my smile with her own.

"I remember when we first did that, too."


Her long, navy hair was pulled up into a ponytail, swinging each time she flung her daggers at the target. I watched as each dagger hit dead center, not a centimeter from the middle. Her soft pale skin looked flush, and she'd been working hard for hours now. Her white tank top stuck to her petite frame, hot with sweat.

"How long are you planning to be?" I asked, snerking at the jump that came from her.

For the first time since I'd gotten down there, she missed her mark. Granted, I had scared her out of her skin, so of course terrifying her mid-throw would throw her off. "Jav," she muttered under her breath. I hadn't paid attention to it at the time, but now I know that it's Yuonese. "I don't know."

Letting out a sigh, I crossed my arms over my chest. At the time, it'd been a week since I'd first met her on the elevator. "Can I have an hour?"

She peered at me out of the corner of her eye, throwing her dagger all the same. I watched as the blade pierced through the eye of the target without her even looking. I couldn't help but stare at her work. "Why can't you just work beside me?"

I chuckled nervously, embarrassment flooding to my face.

She'd smirked at this, turning to gaze at me fully. "Ah, I get it. You're afraid to embarrass yourself."

I scoffed, feigning misunderstanding of her accusation. "I don't know what you're talking about."



Demi stalked up to the targets and removed the daggers from the middle. She put them in her belt, then walked back over to me. "You can have an hour."

Surprise shot through my body, and I couldn't keep it off my face. "Really?"

Her chartreuse eyes twinkled in amusement. "Really."

"You're not messing with me? You promise?"

Demi had raised her eyebrow, and I'd seen the first shade of her mischief. She held out her hand, her pink finger raised. "I promise."

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