14: Welcome To The Team

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I walked into the school hallway to find Aaron leaning against my locker, his eyes were scanning the area looking for someone. His gaze stopped at me, so I guess he was waiting for me. I put my sunglasses up onto my head and walked towards him staring him down.

" Damn babe you look sexy when you do that" he said. I rolled my eyes and pushed him aside to open my locker. He stepped closer to me.

" I know what happened at your little 'party', how's my buddy James going?" he whispered in my ear. My skin crawled listening to his voice. Wait did he just say his buddy?.

" What the fuck did you say?" I said looking at him. He stood more confident this time and his looking down onto me.

" I hope James had a great time with you" he said with a smug look. I pushed him against the locker and he still has the look on his face, oh I wanted to punch him good. As soon as I was about to take a swing I saw the principal walking out of his office. I calmed myself down and went to my locker ignoring Aaron's presence. Thankfully Aaron walked away without saying anything else. We need a new plan badly. I closed my locker and walked to my next class.


" Hey want me to take you home?" Luke asked me. I shook my head.

" Nah I have some community service to do"

" What have you done now?" Bella asked me. I looked at her and gave her a half smile.

" I may have accidentally bumped into our math's teacher and told him to fuck off but in my defence I didn't know it was a teacher I thought it was a student. I have to stay after school to clean these hallways" I explained. They both looked at each other and laughed. I rolled my eyes and they left. I went to the office to grab a big rubbish bag and some gloves. The receptionist gave me a bitchy look and I smiled at her before walking out. I started picking up the dirty litter these students left when I heard moans from the other side of the locker. I hid and poked my head out. I saw Aaron with a girl named Mia from History class making out. Typical Aaron.

" Aaron I want you now." Mia said. Damn she sounded desperate. But Aaron nodded and led her into the janitor's closet. Seriously! It's home time can't they do it at home. I turned to walk the other way when I saw my best friend Stacey, the one who my ex boyfriend made out with when we were dating. She walked towards me and I looked at her with a bored emotion on my face. She stopped in front of me.

" What do you want?" I asked.

" I don't have time for this. Have you seen Aaron?" she asked.

" Why do you want to know?"

" He is my boyfriend, I think I deserve to know. Besides your his ex so you're nothing to him" I rolled my eyes after she said that.

" Just to let you know he's in the janitors closet with Mia, so I guess you're also nothing to him as well then" I said. She shook her head.

" I don't believe you, you're just jealous of us" I could not believe this girl.

" What am I jealous about? Nothing"

" Unlike you Aaron actually loves me he wouldn't cheat on me" I looked at her with a smirk expression on my face and pointed my head to the janitors closet.

" Don't believe me? Come and hear this" I said.

I grabbed her wrist and led her outside the janitor's closet. We both put our ears onto the door.

" Oh god Aaron" Mia moaned.

" Shh Stacey is going to find us" Aaron whispered. I turned to see Stacey with tears on her face. I put the trash bag down and led her to the girl's toilet. She then cried into my arms. Oh God, I hate people crying I never knew how to comfort them. I patted her back awkwardly with a disgust look on my face.

" I'm so sorry Stella, I never knew how much this hurts, I'm sorry." she said.

Ugh now I'm starting to feel sorry for her.

" Once a cheater. Always a cheater" I said. She nodded and wiped her tears.

" Why are you being nice to me?" she asked.

" I know what feels like to be cheated on and I guess I felt sorry for you" I said.

" I heard what you did, you know the STD rumour" she said.

" Well it didn't work"

" What if I help you?" she asked.

" Why would you do that?" I asked her.

" I now HATE Aaron, and I know you do too. So why not join forces?" I nodded slowly and took my hand out to shake her hand.

" Welcome to the team" I said. 


HEYHEY Hope u enjoyed this chapter...

I wonder what's gonna happen when Stella works with Stacey?

Will they get along?

Don't forget to comment and vote :)

Peace Out

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