Chapter 10: An act?

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HEYHEY just wanted to let you guys know I'll be posting chapters every second day starting now. And also OMG we've reached 100 views cray cray, hope you guys are enjoying this book because I sure enjoy writing them for you. I know the character Luke is all nice then mean I'm still trying to figure out his personality and his back story so sorry. But without further ado heres another chapter. ENJOY :))))


The next few weeks were fine. Bella and I spent 1 week in detention. The next week I was in detention for punching Aaron when he graffitied my baby. Another detention for not listening in class. Another detention after that because Luke kept talking to me in maths. 8 detentions within 2 weeks this must be a record. Luke and I got closer ever since our little chat at my garage. I understood his problem and he understood mine. We've hung out a lot as well. Bella says we'd make a good couple. Yeah right. I don't think I'm ready for a new relationship, besides I'm sure Luke doesn't have any feelings for me. I kinda do have feelings for him but it's just a little crush.

I just got back home from another detention huh better make that 9 detentions in 2 weeks.

" Stella please tell me you didn't have another detention" my parents were both sitting in the living room with disappointing looks on their faces. I nodded my head slowly and my father walked out of the room. I looked at my mum.

" Your father and I are not happy with the way you're acting" my mom finally said.

" What? I've done this before and maybe even worse, this is nothing"

" It is something when it's affecting your future, this is your senior year".

" Mom you know I have straight A's from last year I can get into college"

" Well what if the school heard about your bad behaviour I'm sure they don't want you anymore"

" They won't, this act will be over by graduation."

" It better be" I've never seen my parents like this. What the hell happened? Oh god I need to find Axel.

I walked upstairs and knocked on his door. He opened it and let me in. I told him what happened between me and the parents and he agreed with what they were saying.

" WHAT? You agree with them?"

" Stells, is this an act or the real you?"

" It's the real me"

" Then why did you tell mom that it was an act?"

" Because I wanted her to leave me alone."

" You and I both know it's an act. An act for Aaron... He's hurt you and now you're hurting him for what's he done right?"

A tear fell from my eye and Axel wiped it off. He held me in his arms and I cried into his shirt. Every memory I've had with Aaron I let it out through my tears. I closed my eyes and rested in Axel's arms. Before you know it I fell asleep.


The next day was a Saturday and everyone had left. Axel had to go back to college to do his exams and the parents are gone for the weekend to take care of some business. I felt like shit from crying last night. I thought I've moved on but the memory of Aaron is still in my head. I actually love him, I mean loved. Ugh. I need to focus on something else. This revenge plan isn't working and I need a drink.LOTS of drinks. Which only means one thing. A party. And a hell of a good one.

 Sorry that this chapter sucked haha. Unsure about Luke's and Stella's relationship tho. Should they be friends or something more? Tell me what you think. In the mean time I still need to figure out cast. Oh and I came back from my holidays. It sucked. Didn't feel like 2 weeks at all ugh. It's currently 10:50pm and I better sleep but I need to catch up on my tv shows. So I'll be pulling a all nighterrrrr again. Ha.

Peace Out✌️ 

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