Chapter Two - The Club

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I've changed where Angel first lived. Instead of her being Canadian she's now going to be American and she's going to be from Omaha, Nebraska.

My hair whipped my face. It was going all over the place. I rolled the window up and tried to return it to normal.

Blake laughed. "Why do you girls always have to look so perfect?"

"Well I'd like to be able to see." Blake laughed again. Blake's laugh is like the best thing your ears will ever hear.

We were on our way home from school. Blake gave a pretty throughout tour this morning of the school. I almost got lost on my to French, but this senior helped me find my way.

After the kiss last night, Blake stared into my eyes for a second or two then ran back to his house. He didn't bring it up this morning and hasn't mentioned it yet. I'm dying to know why he kissed me, but I don't want to be the one to bring it up. . . But it looks like that's the only way.

"So, uh, Blake, about that kiss last night-"

He cut me off. "Oh, um, I'm sorry about that. It's just that you're really pretty and I couldn't help myself. It didn't meant anything, really. Just forget about it." He spoke a little too quickly, like he already knew what he was going to say if the topic was brought up, but he was nervous about saying it. Like he just wanted to talk about something else.

What did he mean it didn't mean anything? It sure meant something to me. I mean, it was my first kiss. But I felt something, like, like, I don't know. Something inside of me just kind of, well, sparked. Last night I could tell he felt that same spark. Well, did he? I don't know what I felt anymore. Maybe it was just butterflies considering it was my first kiss.

We drove in silence for a couple more minutes before Blake asked me, "Have you been to the club yet?" He had a little smirk on his face.

This morning I couldn't tell if Blake was more of the good type or the bad ass type. Now I'm pretty sure he's more of a bad ass. I'm more of the good type. Actually, I'm the good type all the way. I don't think I've done a thing bad in my entire lifetime. I guess you could call me a goody-two-shoes, but I am defiantly not a suck-up. I can't stand suck-ups. I guess I just don't like the fact that you could get caught. I think that'd be pretty embarrassing. Embarrassment is probably one of my biggest fears. I don't even have a fake ID. But obviously Blake knows what he's doing. I might sneak into a club with a Blake, though. . . If he could get me a fake ID.

"Um, I've only been here for a couple days and I don't have a fake ID yet and-" I stopped when Blake started laughing. Great. Now he's not going to like me because he's going to think I'm a loser. I looked down at my lap, ashamed.

"No, I'm not talking about that kind of club. There's this place where you're only allowed in if you're over fourteen or under twenty-one. It's pretty sick. It's got a pool, games, a flat-screen TV, etc. It's not an actual club, we just call it The Club. It's just kind of a get-a-away for us teenagers, you know?"

"Yeah, it sounds like fun. Maybe you could take me there sometime." I'm trying to find any excuse where I get to hang out with Blake more.

"I was thinking, how about today?" Blake pulled into my driveway and turned so he was facing me. "I'll pick you up in an hour if you want."

"Yeah, okay." I unbuckled my seat belt. "An hour sounds great." I opened his car door and hopped out. As I was about to shut the door, I stopped myself. I popped my head back into his car. "Wait. What do I wear?"

Blake gave a little laugh. "What you're wearing now is perfect."

I looked down at what I was wearing. I had a Hollister Cabrillo Beach Cami. It had navy and white stripes with a bow off to the left around the waist, it ended right below my belly button, showing a little of my stomach off. I had Hollister Avalon short shorts on. They were a rich dark color and had cuffed hems with raw edges.

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