Chapter Twenty Eight - Dinner with Jason's Family

Start from the beginning

"I'll come too!" Jeydon says, jumping from his seat at the counter.

He walks over to us and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I nod to Jason. "That's Jeydon, my stepbrother."

"Yeah, we've already met." Jeydon mutters.

Jason gives him a friendly smile and I walk up the stairs, being followed by the two boys. Once we're all inside my bedroom, I close the door and sit cross legged on my bed. Jason plops down next to me and begins examining my room from where he's sitting.

Jeydon leans up against my wall. "How long have you and Abby been dating?" He questions.

So was he really going to make this a game of twenty questions? Even though I had to admit, Jeydon is extremely cute when he's jealous.

"Almost two years." He says. He turns to me and smiles.

"Why'd you guys break up?" He immediately shoots another question.

He scratches the back of his head. "Well after she told me she was moving, it was best for us to end our relationship."

"Oh, so you don't do long distance?" Jeydon asks Jason. "Too much for you to handle, huh? You just wanted to be able to have any girl after Abby left."

"Actually," I tell him. "I was the one who decided it would be best if we broke up."

Jason nods. "To be honest, I wouldn't mind if we did keep a long distance relationship."

Jeydon ignores this. "So how many girls have you dated after Abby? Ten? Twenty?"

"Actually, I haven't stopped thinking about you ever since." Jason says, putting his hand on top of mine.

In the corner of my eye, I see Jeydon rolling his eyes. I give Jason a small smile to be polite. Then, there's a knock on the door before Dad swings it open.

"Dinner's ready!" He gives both Jason and I a huge smile.

I'm surprised he knocked this time before entering. Not that I would mind if he didn't. We weren't doing anything wrong.

Jason walks out the door first and I follow, only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled back into the room by Jeydon.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?!" He asks.

"He's not my boyfriend. We broke up and after I met you I forgot all about him, which is why it never really came up." I tell him.

"I don't want you getting too close to him."

"Jeydon, you have nothing to worry about. I like you, not Jason." I say.

"It's obvious he wants to get back together with you!"

"I know." I say. "But Jason is still my friend and I can't just avoid him. It'll make it too obvious that we're dating."

At the dinner table I take a seat beside Jason and Jeydon sits on the other side of me. I begin filling my plate with the pasta Ashley cooked up for dinner.

"So, have you lovebirds gotten a chance to catch up?" Dad asks, twirling his fork into the pasta.

Jason's dad chuckles this.

"Not really." I mutter.

There's a moment of silence before Dad speaks up again.

"So Jason, are you still playing football?"

He nods. "Yeah, I'm quarterback of the team now."

Wow. I always knew Jason was good at football but I didn't know he was quarterback now. I guess things really do change.

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