Chapter 21 (edited)

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"Doll, are you okay?" Would I ever be okay again? My body was broken. I was broken. I looked up at him and then away towards the window.

"I...I want to go outside." The sun continued to shine through the window as it rose in the sky. I could feel his curious gaze burning into the side of my skull as I looked at the glimpses of the sunrise I got through the window. I wanted to feel fresh air on my skin again. I wanted sunshine and freedom. I wanted amnesia most of all. I wanted to forget anything ever happened to me. The funny thing about that was that when I was captive all I had were the memories and I lived for the moments where I could reminisce but now I wanted them gone, I wanted everything gone. I wanted a do-over, I needed a do-over.

"You're still connected to the IV." I looked down at the small tube connecting to my arm. I flinched remembering the needle that I had been drugged with at the kidnapper's house. Shaking that off I knew that I needed to forget.

"I want to go outside," I repeated and moved away from his grasp and towards the edge of the bed pulling my body up, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing?" He reached for me. I swatted his hands away from me. Sitting there I watched my feet swing, dangling over the floor only a few inches away. I shuffled forward and let my toes rest on the cold hospital floor. My eyes drifted to the window and I became more determined. I stood slowly triumphant having accomplished this one task. When I turned a little too fast to look at him, a dizzy spell hit me and I fell striking my face on the side of the bed frame as I crashed to the floor. "Rosabelle!"

"Ow." I pressed a hand against my head coming away with some blood from the small cut now present on my forehead. "I'm fine." I rubbed the blood on my gown and attempted to stand up again. Troy pushed on my shoulder keeping me still against the floor. He stood up and pressed the call button. "I'm fine, I just moved too fast." I insisted raising a hand to the edge of the bed and attempted to get up once more. He came back and pushed me down.

"Just stay." His eyes drifted to my forehead where the small nick lay. "You're bleeding."


"If you say fine one more time I swear on all that is good I will ensure the doctor that walks in here will hold you in this room longer than necessary." He threatened and I sighed rolling my eyes but sat still. He grinned cheekily. I sent a small glare in his direction just as the nurse walked in all smiles until she saw me sitting on the floor with my mate hunched over me.

"What happened?" Her footsteps moved faster as she crouched in front of me taking in the wound on my forehead and then placing her hand on my wrist and taking my pulse.

"I'm fine." I insisted. "But he demanded I stay down here until you showed up and cleared me to stand up." Her eyes flicked between us.

"It's a good thing he did because it appears you've cut your forehead during your fall." She moved her hands to my face turning it so that she could inspect the wound.

"I'm fine." She cut me a look that indicated what she thought of that. My mate cleared his throat and I couldn't help but roll my eyes wincing as a small pain sparked behind my eyes at the motion.

"Does your head hurt?" She noticed the motion and frowned.

"No." I straightened my frown out. "Can I get up now?"

"I think you'll be okay but just back to the bed and then stay there until the doctor gets here." She ordered and though I was tempted to roll my eyes I didn't. She stood from her crouch and watched as I slowly got up standing very close by in case I fell again. Once I was safely back in the bed she gave me a long look and then left. Troy hovered next to the bed impatiently looking at the door waiting on the doctor to return. I watched him for a couple of moments and then my eyes caught a motion at the door and flicked in that direction. When I saw what stood there my throat closed in fear. My breath came out in pants and I couldn't tear my eyes from him. He didn't move and didn't speak only stood there casually watching the interactions between me and my mate. I blinked slowly and when my eyes opened again he was gone like a ghost.

Kidnapped By Mistake (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz