Underswap Sans X Reader

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This was a request made by @Sans674 for a Underswap sans hope you guys enjoy!

It was time for Sans and yours "play date" as he called it. The short skeleton was so innocent, it made your heart flutter with joy when he would look at you with such glee when you solve another one of his puzzles. Lalty you've come to relization that you have very fond feelings for the small skeleton, you've already been on a "date" with him before but you where turned down because he didn't feel the same, back then you where fine with that because your feeling weren't fully developed, but now it made you feel sad. Sans conciders you his closest friend, his best friend, and you don't want to ruin that friendship you have with him if you told him your strong feelings towards him. Even though if you did tell tell him I am sure he would still stay as your best friend but there is still the tiny bit of fear he might not accept your true feelings.

Sighing you knock on the door of the Skelebros house and are surprised when the door swings wide open and you are tackled to the ground by none other than Sans whom is more than thrilled to see you.
Landing with an 'oomf' Sans wraps his boney arms around you and you giggled at his childish affection "Hehe Hello Sans, where is your brother?"
You notice that the other tall Skeleton, Papyrus was no where to be seen, he usually comes and greets you at the door with Sans.
Sans gets off of you and lifts you up bridal style making you blush "He said he had work today so its just me and you! You get to hang out with the one and only Great Sans! Mweheheh!"

Without warning he carries you off into the house, closing the door behind him, and rushes up to his room and closes the door.
Your still blushing when he finally reaches his room and hasn't put you down yet, he gives you the most inocent smile "(Y/N)! I didn't know humans can change color like that!" You turn away embarrased and wiggle your way out of his grip and back on your own two feet, Sans expression changes to one with worry "Is there something wrong? If so I, The great Sans, will help you in anyway possible! After all you are my best friend!" He grabs a hold of your hand and squeeses is lightly making you blush even more "N-no Sans its okay, there isn't anything wrong I promise you, I am fine."

Sans releases your hand and you imeditly miss holding it, he brings it up to his chin and rubs it while sqinting like hes studying you "Hmmmm...." He puts his boney hands on your cheeks and makes you look at him in the eyes which you try to avoid. Your heart is beating fast and your not so sure when it started to beat rapidly, but, this lets you know that your feelings for this Skeleton are real.

Without warning Sans lays his skull against your chest and listens to your heart beat which you freeze at the action.
Ba dump ba dump ba dump ba dump

"(Y/n) what is wrong with your heart?" He inoccently removes his head from your chest and looks at you "Please be honest with me I am sure that I, the great Sans can help!"

You let out a long sigh and look around the room nervously and stutter "Well...I..i...i.i...i" and then you take in a deep breath.
Sans seems to notice your nervousness and takes your hands into his "(Y/n), if you can't tell me that is alright, I am sure one day you will be able to tell me." he then smiles and removes his hands from yours.

Then an idea poped into your head "Actually, I can't tell you but...maybe I can...show you...If you let me..." Sans smile grows as he poses for you "Of course I, The great Sans will let you show him!" You giggled as you blushed "Okay...just let me show you okay?" He nodds and you take a deep breath in attempt to calm your nerves. Slowly you cuped his face and brought your lips to his bony teeth and kiss him with all the love for him you had. He stiffened at the act but soon melted in your embrace and soo his arms where around you as he kissed back.

The both of you part and your both a blushing mess, you clear your throat "Uh...thats why Sans..." Sans smile beemed and he held you closer "Does this mean our play date has become an actual date!?" You smiled as you giggled in responce "Yeah Sans I guess it does." He smiles and kisses you which leaves you stunned "This means we are dating right?" Blushing you move a piece of your (h/c) hair 'Y-yeah I guess it does...." Sans smile seemed to beam when you said that "(Y/N)...I love you." Your heart flutters at those words "I love you too Sansy"

I hope this is good for a Underswap Sans, I tried really hard too!

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