Chapter fourteen Date night

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The ride was a comfortable one after a short conversation where I'd asked him.
"Why are we doing this Howard? You're not interested in me, we're hardly what could be classed friends."

He had laughed and explained. "It was just a response to what you said really. But then everyone made a big deal of it. The five threatened me, you know? It just made me more determined to go through with it. We could be friends and Mel likes you."

"Yeah, she's my best friend, we've been together since we were tiny. Bit like you and Jared 'crept for the fact that I actually want to be more, where as Jared seems to just be happy to be your friend."

"Does she know?"
"Sorta. I suppose."

"What did she think of our date?" I asked with a smile.
"She couldn't think of any reason to hate you but she has suddenly decided she doesn't like you anymore."

We both laughed. "Well, we'll fix that my friend. I like you."
He glanced at me. "Thank you, my friend, you know I did for a while there think you might stand me up."

"Nah, same as you. Matter of principal."
We got to the movie theatre and it seemed that half the school was there. It was almost like we were celebrities. Everybody was doing their best not to stare.

Howard lent close. "Wanna give them something to think about?"
"In for a dime.." I replied with a smile. He replied by grabbing my hand.

"You are good for my reputation. If The Five don't kill me before I get to enjoy it." I burst out laughing and he smirked proudly.

We agreed on an action flick we'd both been wanting to see and just to make things interesting we sat right at the back. We were loaded up with our huge drinks and one extreme popcorn to share. But when the lights went down he groaned, he'd been glancing at the door while we chatted softly about all sorts of things. "What?"

He replied looking past me. "Hi Mel."
"Don't you Hi Mel me all dressed up like that_"

Before she could say anything she would regret, I turned to her, put my hand on her neck and put my head close to her ear. "Melanie, sweetie. I've sat next to you for ages and we always get along. I've listened to you about the boy next door that you never put a name to and on the way here all Howard talked about was the girl next door, his best friend, the most gorgeous girl he knows." A tiny white lie. "We are just friends Melanie but he asked me and neither of us wanted to back out due to our pride. You were there. So go enjoy the movie, go home and when he gets home after dropping me off let him kiss you if he tries. 'K?"

She pulled back with the most beautiful smile, nodded in understanding then she suddenly hugged me tightly and got up to sit with her friends at the front.

"You are a miracle worker. Normally when she gets worked up like that she is hell for days. What did you say??"

I smirked and whispered. "I might have told her you said you wanted to kiss her as soon as you got rid of me."

"WHAT!" He exclaimed loudly. Heads turned our way.
"I know right! How could we forget the M and M's? I'll get them." I replied loudly as I quickly got up to buy M and M's.

When I made my way back to our theatre a dark shadow moved in the alcove I passed and I was pulled in while a familiar voice said. "Just me Isabel. Don't fight. It's just me." My fight reflex left as fast as it arrived.

I was breathing hard. "Don't panic, sweetheart, I won't hurt you." He whispered in my ear. Little did he know that the reason for my erratic breathing was his proximity. He had his body flush against mine, pushed up against the wall in the small alcove and his face right against mine. I could feel a light stubble on his cheek.

"Relax baby, I won't hurt you. I just want to let you know that we threatened Howard, he didn't care and we couldn't hurt the nerd so he was lucky. We offered him our fri___"

"Jared told me." I interrupted him shakily.

"What Jared didn't tell you was that I don't give a fuck, Isabel. If you start dating him I will probably beat the shit out of him. I won't let any other guy touch you after waiting this long for you to be free of our deal with Jared. Just tell me...Why go out with Howard?"

"I said I'd accept the first guy that asked me on a date. He heard and asked. Then people made something out of it so we decided to carry on. It's just our joke. Don't beat him up." I replied breathlessly.

"Do you like him, Isabel?" He asked softly still pushed up against me.
"Yes." He tensed and for some reason I immediately felt the need to add. "As a friend."

"Good." He whispered huskily in my ear. He finally moved back. "I would never hurt you Isabel. I'm sorry I scared you. Relax. Go enjoy the movie." He walked away without looking back and went into the same theatre I was in. I needed a few deep breaths before I could make myself move. It had been such a quick encounter but it had felt like time had stopped, hours had passed and my whole world had been turned upside down.

I did enjoy the movie. Howard said he did too as we walked to the car. We'd decided to grab some take away for food because the stares we were getting from the curious crowd was rather awkward.

We'd both smiled at Mel when we passed her on the way out and she had turned red as a tomato, much to the entertainment of her friends.

The burgers we had were good, we talked like old friends and decided we would sit together Monday. He was sure Mel would approve of the move. He came with a crowd he explained. Beside Mel and himself there were three self-proclaimed nerds, two fashionatas as he called them, I called them the retro crowd and a foreign exchange student. Now he could proudly add a Jock and a rebel to his friends. He knew we were a package deal.

Cassie was the rebel. She got in trouble for back chatting on a regular basis. She didn't mean to get smart but she had an insanely high IQ and she couldn't help but correct people. Teachers didn't like it for obvious reasons and that got her detention regularly. Other kids didn't like it and that got her into fights in class on a regular basis. I didn't care, she was my best friend. She could dress like a diva and outsmart the nerds, she fought without rules and she was very loud but she was always there for me. And I had only just realised that she never asked me to tell her anything I should have explained about my life, she just accepted me, silence, secrets and all.

Howard dropped me off at ten thirty. He had to get to Mel.

The house was dark when I got home, competition day tomorrow and I found Jared in my bed. So I got ready for bed, removed my make-up and slid in beside him with a smile. He stirred then rolled over to envelope me in a hug. "Good night?" he mumbled.

"New friends." Was all I answered.
"Good girl. Tell me tomorrow, sleep now." He replied with a sigh.

He'd quiz me in the morning, they all would, but for now I could just enjoy the safe feeling Jared offered and let my mind go crazy over the feelings Derek had stirred up in me.

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