Chapter six Take away, take it away

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When I got home it only took fifteen minutes for my phone to start ringing. I'd had a quick shower and was in my pj's. "What?"
"You home?" A familiar voice asked bluntly.
"Dumb question." I relied sarcastically.

"I just went for a run with the guys." Jarred said innocently. "And I told them to drop me at your place. Is that allright?"

"Be there in ten, we're gonne get something to eat first."
"Cool. Cya then."

It had been a simple conversation but the subtext was clear. I had to prove my innocence, they suspected me, that was why they wanted to drop him off. I quickly called Cassie.
"How long would it take you to get here with your pj's?" I asked as soon as she answered.
She put her hand over the phone and yelled. "Muuum? Can I spend the night at Izzies?"

I didn't hear the reply from her mother but she was back on in no time and said. "Ten minutes?"
"Can you make it five? We're in the shit with four."
"Yep, But I expect the goss when I get there." And she hung up without anymore questions asked.

True to her word she was at my place in less than ten minutes, her mum had dropped her off. We went to my room and she changed into similar pj's to mine. Short shorts with a tank top that sported a cartoon. Her shorts were purple and mine were dark green. I blow dried my hair and she braided it for me but before she was half way the doorbell rang. She had been going very slowly because I had told her how the other four had ambushed me on our run and she had been laughing her ass off.
I ran down stairs and threw the door open. I had expected the guys to just be in the car and only Jarred to be at the door but I was greeted with a doorway full of testosterone.
"You said they were dropping you off!"

"We are! We just want to make sure he will settle in comfortably."
"He will, now go away." I snapped at Mac.
"Aw, come on, don't be like that sweet cheeks, let us in too. We brought food."
Without thinking I flipped him the bird and said "Piss off, Princess."

Derek looked thoughtful but the other guys laughed. "That's twice in one day you been flipped off by a girl." Before my shock could register Cassie draped herself over Jarred which parked her right in front of me. "Tell me who she is, Jerry, Pleeeease," She said with a cute pout. "I'd like to shake the hand of the other chicka that flipped the Mighty Mac."

I felt Dereks' thoughtful stare but did my best to ignore him by focusing on the twins. "Hey Jack?"
"Yeah?" Both the twins replied instantly. I looked at Jake and waved my hand at him. "Only the real one, you be quiet."
I pushed past Derek, Cassie and Jarred onto the porch. "What you got there Jackson?" I asked softly.

"Euh... Take away?" He replied hesitantly as I moved into his personal space. He swallowed hard as I put my hands on his shoulders stepping up against him. "Hey Jackson?" I asked again sweetly.
"Uhu." He replied with wide eyes as a blush crept up his cheeks.
"Can I have it?" I asked as I ran my hands down both his arms and to the bag he was holding.

It was dead quiet as everyone wanted to see what he would do. I twirled my left hand over his empty right one. He let me take the bag out of his left hand as he swallowed hard and nodded yes at the same time. I let go of his hand and put it on his cheek. "You are such a sweetie. Thank you!"

He was still speechless. Everyone was still quiet and I used the opportunity to saunter back to the door dragging Cassie who pulled Jarred along. When we were inside I smiled sweetly told them 'Good Night Boys' and slammed the door.

On the other side of the door there was almost a minute of silence while on our side we were trying not to laugh out loud. Jarred high-fived me while Cassie hugged me with tears in her eyes, clutching her stomach and laughing silently.

Finally they spoke. "HOLY SHIT! That was HOT!" Was the first thing that came out, Mac had broken the silence.
"Bro you ain't ever carrying the food again! I want that!"

"Dude, she took our dinner and you freaking let her!" Derek grumbled. We were on the floor laughing, hoping they couldn't hear our mostly silent laughter as we cracked up.
"D, if she had done that to you, you would have let her!" Jackson replied with a groan.

Derek's response shocked us all as he replied. "If she had done that to me I would have dropped the freaking food, pinned her against the wall and kissed her until all she could remember was my name. Girl dresses like that and touch me like she touched you, I would not have let her walk away. Not her. Not ever. You've been owned man." We heard their footsteps retreat as the three of us looked at each other.
Now that was a side of Derek I'd never heard before. He was sarcastic when he did speak but he never talked much, most of the time he would just watch, listen and look arrogant.

"Holy shji-it. Derek Black wants you!" Cassie squealed. Thankfully I had my hand over her mouth before she finished the second word.

"Holy shji-it alright." Jarred looked thoughtful. "I've never heard him talk about any girl like that. He's normally more of recluse, or maybe a wet and forget kinda guy, I don't actually know for sure."
"Ewe gross! And don't care. Shut up, go shower, we'll make the food and put a movie on. Hurry up." We opened my stolen treasure and found heaps of Chinese food. I cut up apples, celery and carrots and put it all on a plate with dips and peanut butter while Cassie was making fruit smoothies and popcorn. By the time Pete had locked the shop and came home, the table was loaded with food. I'd warmed up the left overs when Peter told me the dads would be over as well.

Jarred told the dads and Peter what happened on the run and I'd done to poor Jackson. Jarred's dad told me the kid had better not be off during the competition tomorrow or he would have my hide. We all laughed. Cassie told them that those boys deserved everything that was dished out and then some. They were heartbreakers. Jarred went to hug her and with puppy eyes asked if that included him. She had managed to shake her head 'no' with a fierce blush on her cheeks. Jarred had just snuggled her under his arm and told her she was a good girl. They'd stayed like that most of the night. They looked good together and I could only hope that he felt something for her too.

The dads had a beer and watched the movie with us and then we went to bed while Jarred went home with his dad. Competition tomorrow, he had to get a good night sleep. Cassie stayed in the guest room that already contained a heap of her stuff, that way I wouldn't wake her if I had a bad night.

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So, I'm fixing this story up... for those of you new to the already has all the chapters, I'm editing.
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