Chapter 3 ∼ Veronica

Start from the beginning

I looked outside through the huge windows. A beautiful garden was there, full of roses and daisies, which continued in a beach, with a table and some chairs. It was really big.

"I think we could," I said.

"I'd like a tea," Jasmine said. She looked at me. "And for sure Ronnie will take a coffee. She looks like she hasn't slept in days," she added.

We all laughed.

"I do. And yeah, Mark, that'd be great," I said.

"Liam! Show 'em how it is, outside. I'll make this. Show 'em the garden," Mark said, walking to the kitchen.

We walked to the beach, and the boy explained everything that was there to us. Like that the table was for eating breakfast in the morning light or that red roses were is favorites. I noticed he had a strong accent. I didn't know for how long he has been there or for how long he was staying, but he knew a lot about the house.

When we arrived near the water, we just waited there, standing up. Jasmine was shooting him so many questions, I couldn't keep up. I just stared at the sea in front of me. I was lost in my thoughts when my dear best friend Jasmine poked my shoulder.

"The boy's talking to you. I think you should answer. That'd be quite nice," she said.

I looked at him. He was shyly smiling at me.

"Why are you guys here?" he asked.

"Well we won a trip to the destination of our choice, and I thought it'd be great to see Mark a bit, so we chose to come here. What about you?" I asked.

I saw Mark coming with our beverages.

"I GOT EVERYTHING!" he shouted.

I smiled at him. He was kinda cute.

"Let me help you," I said.

I took two cups from his hands and put them on the table. That "breakfast table", like the boy would say.

"Thank you, Veronica," Mark said.

"Don't call me this, you know I hate it," I replied.

"Sorry, Ronnie." He looked at me and smiled.

I grinned back.

And that's how I met the boy. Sitting in a chair by the sea, drinking a coffee.


"Ok then. I think we'll go shopping. I feel like it," I finally said, accepting Mark's desire.

Mark had to prepare tonight's party and we definitely wanted to help him, but he didn't allow us to. I really wanted to show my interest in this because I felt like it really was for me and Jasmine. He wouldn't have thrown a party if we weren't there. It made me feel a little special and considering what happened in the last months, or maybe years, it was really important to me and I was really glad.

"We'll take a taxi," said Jasmine. "I think the shopping center is only a few minutes away from here, right?" she asked.

"Right. But I'll drive you there. I have my car and that'd be selfish to let you take a cab," said the boy.

I wasn't really sure about this. We knew the boy since only a few minutes and I wanted get Mark to take us there, not him. Not that he wasn't nice with us, the boy, but Jasmine acted like he was REALLY famous. And I didn't feel like getting him to drive us. I wanted go low-profile for this trip. I really wanted it to be chill. I knew it was against what Jasmine wanted, but we really couldn't get him to drive us. That wouldn't fit with what we had planned.

But Mark was already on the phone, running towards to house. He couldn't get us there. He already had to plan this whole thing for us.

"You'd be nice to do this for us," I smiled.

He grinned back and took his car keys.

He drove us to the place. During the car ride, only Jasmine was talking with him. She acted so strange. It wasn't normal.. But she wasn't always really normal, so I was confused.

"I'm going to go there for a coffee," the boy said. He pointed a little stand in the middle of the hallway.

We smiled at him in approval.

"That's him. That's the boy," Jasmine said as soon as he was away.

We were in a little mag stand in the middle of the shopping center. The boy took us there and he was at the other stand, ordering a coffee. I took the magazine in my hands. Holy shit. I looked closer. I knew Jasmine was right.

He was on the cover of every single one.

I looked up to him and saw that maybe ten girls were around him. Holy cow. He was famous. Since when did I just meet famous people? I was a girl that loved to listen to country music and that didn't even had Wi-Fi at home. What. What.

He looked back at me and smiled. He put a finger in the air, telling me he had to take pictures for a minute. I mouthed alright and he turned around, back to talking with the girls.


It properly started. Hope you'll like it. ;)

Alex Xxx

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