Next, and last, is Ivan and Yao. They are somehow a couple, but they are so different. Ivan is a creepy Russian, who always asks people to 'become one,' and Yao always gets mad with him after he asks. While Yao is super motherly, and has a love for cute things. Apparently they've known each other for years, and started dating in 6th grade, and we are all in 10th now.

"Hey Mattie you there?"

Alfred asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I shook my head, and stared at Alfred.

"Hm? Yeah I was just thinking."

I explained, and he nodded.

"Ok well see ya at lunch!"

He yelled as he ran off to wherever that dumbass goes in the morning.

I walked to my locker, a few people almost knocking me to the ground, and got there a little over a minute later. I opened the locker, after putting in the combination of course, and placed my bag and lunch in it. I grabbed the books I needed for my first two classes, physics and French. I took French because it's a easy A, papa taught me when I was little, and well he tried to teach Alfred but we learned that his ability to learn languages was awful unless it was Spanish.


A unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turn, and see the the strangest looking guy. He has almost white hair, and these deep red eyes that seem to stare into my a good way?


I answered, and he looked confused.

"Didn't I just see you? When Feli introduced me and my brother to you and a few other people?"

He asked, and I shook my head.

"That was my brother Alfred, we're twins."

I told him, and he laughed.

"That makes since Birdie."

It was my turn to be confused.


I questioned, and he smiled.

"Yeah it's a nickname! I just came up with it cause I'm that awesome!"

He said a little louder then normal, a few people turning to look at us.

"My name is Matthew."

I told him, and he laughed again.

"Mine is Gilbert, but you can refer to me as the most awesome person on the planet!"

He yelled, looking very proud of himself.

'Oh god, this is Ludwig's brother! God they weren't kidding when they said he had a big ego..."

I thought, frowning a bit, and he looked at me, frowning as well.

"Hey I think you look better smiling, frowning doesn't suit you Birdie."

He told me, and I tilted my head to the side.

Hetalia self-harm and depression (Canada) (PruCan) Where stories live. Discover now