Careful 2

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“So you finally decided to show your face around here?” my boss scowled at me as soon as I stepped into the shop

“I’m five minutes early” Confusion was laced in my tone

His scowl turned into a big grin “I’m playing with you kiddo”

“Ooookayyyy” I muttered, my boss was delusional

“Get your ass to work then” The grin was still on his face though

I nodded not knowing what quite to say and scurrying out of his sight, I didn’t want to get fired but then again I really didn’t need the money just wanted it

Putting on my apron I scanned the area and my eyes settled on the girl that I had been drooling over yesterday and luckily she was sat on her own

I quickly scuttled to where she was sat with my smile on my face so that I could get her order

“Hi welcome to Reverie, what can I get you?” I asked her

“Weren’t you the waiter from yesterday, Cameron?” She asked ignoring my question

I could feel my cheeks heating up “Yeah I was and you were with your friend.” She nodded “How do you know my name?”

“Because you have a name tag” she answered me and I felt like the stupidest person to grace the earth

“Oh” I glanced down at the nametag and saw that it was indeed there

“Do you blush a lot?”

At this my cheeks felt like they were on fire curse my pale skin “No” I mumbled

“That’s so adorable” she cooed

“Thanks? I guess”

“Okay enough conversation, I came here to eat” she said with a smile on her face

“Well what would you like?” I reached into the front pockets of my apron to pull out my notepad and pen but I had forgotten to pick it up

“You forgot something” she raised a brow

My cheeks heated up again after just cooling down “Yeah my notepad and pen”

“No problem I only wanted a fruit salad anyway. Won’t be hard to remember”

“No problem” I nodded and quickly scuttled away feeling embarrassed after the conversation with her and the amount of times my cheeks heated up

“See wasn’t such a large order, was it?” she handed me the price money with a very large tip

I shook my head too afraid to speak in case I messed it up

“Well thanks, I’ll be going now” she stood up getting her black backpack with her

“Bye” I muttered

“By the way my name’s Alana but people call me Lana for short”

I nodded not knowing what to say after that then she went through the automatic doors

“Again Cameron I pay you to work and not drool” my boss’s voice brought me out of my thoughts for the second time

“Won’t happen again”

“We all know it will, you’ve been checking her out since she appeared yesterday”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yes but luckily I’m the only one that’s seen it and that also means you should get back to work unless you want to be fired”

“No I don’t” I walked off to another table and got their orders

Careful (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now