Leg less boy

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Percy's POV
Ah! Nothing like a nice relaxing soak in the stream. Leg less boy was trying to get close to me slowly. The twins were currently tied up in the tree hanging upside down. As for their dragon, they were just taking a nap while the twins were yelling at he or she. Is the dragon a boy or girl? I'll need to find out. I mentally sighed as leg less came closer. He not a threat, and he has no weapons on him. Hmmmmm....... Another step closer, that it. I stood up to my 9 foot height and looked at him.

Hiccups POV
I decided to carefully approach the dragon slowly. But after another step he shot his head at me. Then water from the stream suddenly shot up into a big ball. And slowly it formed to say can I help vou? The dragon squinted at it and changed it to sorry, can I help you? I stared at it shocked.
"Can you understand me?"
The dragon changed the letters.
Yes I can, what do you want with me? You been slowly inching at me for 10 minutes, it's getting annoying.
"It's just, I've never seen a dragon like you, do you have a name?"
The dragon looked like he or she was thinking, probable deciding to tell me or not.
My name is Percy. What's yours? I can't keep calling you the Leg Less boy in my mind.
"Uhhhh, I'll ignore the nickname. My name is Hiccup and this is Toothless."
I pointed to Toothless, giving Percy a gummy smile.
I'll have to show Fishlegs Percy he would love to observe him.

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