Calum: "don't forget Luke because you're clearly in already so in love with him." (Smirks)

Ashton: "excuse me, but I am indeed straight."


Calum: (burst into laughter) "you can't be serious. You are straight? HA."

Ashton: "please, I've got bitches all up on mah dick. Fuck you talkin bout."

Calum: "And the lie detector determines, that was a lie."

Ashton: "You don't believe me when I tell you anything. Why? What have I done to deserve this type of treatment? And please, I do have girls all up on me."

Calum: "yeah, like who?"

Ashton: "um," (points to girl throwing away trash near their table) "her."

Calum: "I bet she doesn't even know your name, prove it."

Ashton: "Hey girl, damn, you lookin sexy today."

Girl: "lol, sorry, I don't date gay guys."

Ashton: "Fuck you too, I don't like your fishy ass anyways."

Girl: (gasp) "the only thing that smells fishy is you."

Ashton: (laughs) "please, maybe you should wash your fishy ass cooch before you come to school, then I wouldn't have to point it out."

Calum: (dying of laughter)

Girl: "I'm- you- I'm about two fucking steps away from, flat-slap- laying on your fucking... back!"

Ashton: (mocks) "like you could even fight me with those tight ass clothes on, lol. And you wouldn't want to get sweaty and let your 4 pounds of makeup you've got piled onto your face  get ruined now would you?"

Girl: "this isn't over." (Storms off)

Ashlyn: (huffs) "floppy vagina ass hoe, who does she think she is? I gave her a compliment and she treats me like that? That's fucked up." (Crosses arms)

Calum: "only a gay guy could sass a girl that good. I'm sorry honey, but you're gay."

Ashton: "you know what? Fuck you Calum, I'm going to class. Peace out."

No one believes me when I tell them anything. This is madness! This world does not deserve someone as amazing as me.

A f t e r  s c h o o l

"So where have you been these past couple of days?" I jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice. I quickly turned around, putting my hands over my heart- which was beating out of my chest.

Ashton: "Oh my god, You scared me! You can't just be popping out of places like that. I've already had a ruff day."

Ashton's mom: "Please, I popped you out of my vagina but I'm not complaining."

Ashton: "I did not need to want to hear that."

Ashton's mom: "so answer my question."

Ashton: "What question?"

Ashton's mom: "where have you been these past couple of days. You've been might busy."

Ashton: "oh," (coughs) "I've just been hanging out with friends. The usually."

Ashton's mom: "Oh my god, you're totally fucking somebody! Who is he?"

He? Does everyone think I'm gay?

Ashton: "I haven't been "fucking" anyone one. And what do you mean, he?"

Ashton's mom: (laughs) "oh honey, you're as straight as a circle."


Ashton's mom: "let's face it, everything you say is bullshit."

Ashton: "please just-"

Ashton's mom: "At least tell my the guys hot. We can't have you getting fucked by someone who looks like forest gump."

I huff wanting to disappear away from all these annoying questioning people. And they think I'm the crazy one, bitch please. If anyone is crazy it's them for not believing me. Soon, they will be on their knees begging for forgiveness as I prove them right.

I'll get the last laugh. Haha.

Ashton: "please. Just stop. I'm leaving to my room. Goodbye."

I stomp up the stairs. Sigh, the things mothers say to their children.

Ashton's mom: "love you too sweetie. Have a gay day."


I close my door and throw my bag in the floor. The only thing I can think about what my mom said and how wrong she is about some guy fucking me.

I would totally be a top if I were gay.


I died writing this. I make myself laugh. I wonder is anyone knows any of the references I used, probably not.

Okay, there will be more lashton from now on, pinky swear.

Hope you enjoyed this random chapter. I swore a lot in it. Opps. But it was 1300+ words!! Yassss

Peace out bixchess

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