Jonghyun blinked as if it would help the words sink in... He then slowly nodded. "I guess that's a good idea." He replied.

Onew felt like letting out a sigh of relief as he smiled at the two. He had been worried about what to do, so the fact that Key himself had jumped in with a suggestion, had really impressed him.

"Good then," The oldest of the three let out, putting his hands together. "Are you going now then? Because then I will head back to the store."

"Ah... Yes, we will - Thank you hyung." Key bowed as Onew smiled widely in reply: "Have fun and please take care," He said on his way out.

"Always." Key forced a smile as he watched the other leave.

Key then turned around as he found Jonghyun getting quietly up from the couch. It was now. The two had to be on their own for the first time after the accident. 


It didn't take long before the two had gotten ready, as they made their way downstairs, through the store and out on the white covered streets.

The air had been so frigid, Key easily saw each of his breaths billowing out in clouds. Suddenly the boy had wished he had brought his gloves - but he refused to go back just to get them.

 The weather was very frosty, not even the sun was shining like it sometimes would on cold winter days. Key couldn't even explain how much he disliked the cold. Winter included hats, gloves, boots, big jackets and a lot of other things the fashionista didn't feel like benefit his look.

The trip to the yoghurt shop normally took around 15 minutes, but as of right now, Key felt like they had walked for hours and they still hadn't reached their destination.

The silence between the two was thick enough to cut a knife through. Key cringed at the silence, he really disliked it as it made him feel very uncomfortable.

Jonghyun was just walking beside him, hands in pockets, while staring into the snow. Key wondered if he was thinking about anything speciel... or maybe his head was as empty as his memory?

Jonghyun caught the other looking at him, as Key hurried to look away again. They continued to walk, no words being exchanged before they reached their destination. 

After what felt like forever, the two entered the store as Key mentally thanked the owner for keeping the place so warm, despite the name of the store.

Rubbing his cold hands together, Key glanced upon the many flavors, before his eyes found the boy beside him. The boy was just staring into his phone, as Key tried his best to hold back any comment he may had had about the boy's lack of attention.

"So... Anything you will like?" He asked friendly, trying to get the memory lost boy to look at him, or at least just some of the yogurt.

Jonghyun looked quietly up from this phone, as he threw one glance at the boy, before redirecting his gaze back to the device in his hand.

"I don't understand why we're even here," He let out, as Key's eyes widened by the boy's words.

"Excuse me?" He questioned slightly offended.

"I'm just saying... that this is a frozen yogurt shop and it's winter outside," Jonghyun replied, still caught up in his phone.

Mentally counting to ten, Key forced a smile as he looked into the floor without saying anything. He knew Jonghyun didn't remember anything, and that it wasn't him talking. But oh how it didn't make Key want to yell at him any less.

"Well... Jonghyun," Key started out, maybe sounding a bit bitter as he tried to show the opposite by smiling, "You may not remember, but it has always been our thing to get frozen yogurt, no matter the weather."

"I see." Jonghyun replied in that monotone voice of his, which caused Key to cringe. "I will just have some strawberry then."

Key went up to the desk as he fetched a cup for the both of them. "Good, then go get it." He said, handing over a cup, after taking the boy's phone.

Jonghyun sighed, slowly turning around as he realized he had to fill up the cup on his own. He sighed ones more, as he walked up to get what he had mentioned not even two seconds ago. Key just ran a hand through his hair, letting out a gust of air before following the other.

A few minutes later and the two had paid for their yogurts. Key had gotten themselves some spoons and napkins, before he made his way back over to Jonghyun, who had found a booth to sit in.

Joining the boy silently, Key handed over a spoon as the other took it without a word. To Key's luck, there were a few other people, and music to take away the awkward silence they had been drowning in all day.

Normally the two always went for a walk while enjoying their treats... but Key had a feeling that it would be the last thing the boy wanted right now - especially after complaining about getting frozen yogurt when it was cold outside.


Surviving an hour, the two went home as they got greeted by Onew in the store.

"Hi guys!"

"Hi hyung." Key smiled with a bow, before shifting his eyes over to Jonghyun, who had gotten himself lost in all the store's items instead of greeting his hyung with respect.

Onew just smiled at the memory lost boy as he watched how interesting he found the store to be. That was the exact same attitude he had showed the first time he had entered the store, back in time when he and Onew didn't know each other.

Key just went behind the counter as he fetched his smock before getting seated with his magazine, the same way he always would when no costumers was around.

Onew quietly made his way over to the boy, as he lowered himself to Key's level after whispering: "How did it go?"

"It went well." Key replied as Onew looked surprised by the answer.

"Really?" He questioned.

It was not because he didn't believe Key, it was more because Key didn't seem as happy as Onew thought he would be.

"Sure." Key replied as he turned a page in his fashion magazine.

Onew nodded silently, as he turned around before walking over to the memory lost boy. He then told the boy something, which Key could not hear, so he just redirected his gaze back to his magazine instead.

After some time, Onew announced that the two would head upstairs while Key was working his last shift.

Watching the two leave, Key just waved with a smile until he couldn't see them on the staircase any longer.

Having the two out of sight, his smile suddenly faded as threw his magazine across the counter before crabbing his hair in frustration.


Please leave a star if you liked the chapter and then I will work hard for you to get a new chapter as fast as possible - Since I just finished a lot of exams tests, I will now have more time than I've had lately... Luckily because I've been so stressed, but you gotta' work hard, right? <(^U^<)

Again, thanks for your amazing support. I can never express my gratefulness enough! You guys really brighten my day all the time!

And thanks to those who in the most sweet way point out my mistakes, such as typos and spelling. I really want to get better, especially because English isn't my native language. So thank you xox

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