Chapter 11- My friend

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Chapter 11

When he finally put me back on my own two feet, which brought back the ache and soreness, I saw that he still looked pissed.

“It’s okay really. I mean he didn’t hurt me or anything,” I said trying to calm him down.

“It sure as hell is not okay! He assaulted you after you asked him to let you go. Don’t try to down play it that just pisses me off that you are trying to protect that little shit,” he said glaring at me. I looked down feeling almost ashamed of myself. “Look at me please. I’m sorry that just got to me is all. I shouldn’t have raised my voice to you. You ready to get out of here?” he asked.

“Yeah, I am,” I said as I tried to gingerly walk towards the door.

“Let me help you,” he said as he picked me up and carried me through the door. I would have protested but me feet hurt too bad to argue. As we walked into the employee room he sat me on my feet.

“Which one is your locker?” he asked.

“Number three,” I told him and then I gave him the combination to my lock. He retrieved my purse and even clocked me out before once again picking me up. He was sitting me down into his car when I remembered something.

“What about my car?” I asked.

“We will come back and get it after you have rested those tootsies of yours,” he said teasingly. At least his good mood was back.

Six months later…

After the run in with Darrel, Joshua has backed off of me completely with any threats or sexual harassment of any kind. Darrel and I have dated for several months now, but I feel like he doesn’t want our relationship to progress any further. He seems comfortable with casually dating and never moving forward. Maybe it’s wrong of me to expect some kind of commitment from him but that is kind of who I am. I am a one man woman and I want it to be a forever kind of arrangement. Tonight, I am meeting some of his friends at a get together he is taking me to. At first I was intimidated about meeting his friends but then he told me that the get together was going to be at a bar/grill type restaurant and that eased my mind somewhat. Since I was already nervous about tonight I chose to wear my favorite blue jeans and a dressy top. We arrived at Jerry’s Burger and Brew nearly an hour away from home. We entered the smoky, bar and Darrel guided me toward the back of the restaurant. Then the people at the table noticed us. A short guy stood and waved us over and shook Darrel’s hand when we made it to the table.

“Hey man it’s good to see ya,” short guy said.

“You too Ethan,” Darrel responded. Everyone sort of said hello all at once and there was nearly 20 people at the huge round table. “Hey, everyone this is my friend Carolyn. Carolyn this is…,” he rambled on each of their names as we sat down but I couldn’t get over that he just called me his friend. My heart ached at hearing the denial of our relationship. Maybe what we have is not really a big deal to him, but the kinds of things we have been doing in private is not what I do with friends. We haven’t actually slept together but we have done many other things. After we all had eaten, they were all chatting and I was just sitting quietly as I had nothing to add to their conversation. Nothing really held my interest either until the very pretty blonde girl across the table from us stood and walked over to Darrel extending her hand.

“We came all this way to see you chunky butt, so hows about a dance for an old friend,” she said. Even though he called me a friend I knew he wouldn’t dance with her because we may not be committed to one another but he couldn’t handle when Joshua put his hands on me so it would make sense that he would turn her down.

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