Chapter 4-Church Parking

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Chapter 4

As I socialized with the other women I didn’t miss the way that Darrel’s eyes seemed to follow me as I moved among the crowd.

“That new gym teacher is some very fine eye candy, wouldn’t you agree ladies?” asked Janelle Brooks aka member of momly crew.

“You can say that again, he has been watching us for the past five minutes,” piped up Carla Brown. Not wanting to hear any more talk about the new gym teacher I went to find Ava so we could leave. As I was searching for her, a spicy musk smell invaded my space. It smelled very all out man. My skin began to prickle all the way to my toes.

“Looking for someone? Perhaps a tall, dark, handsome man that would like to know more about the substitute teacher that works two jobs?” he asked. Why does this man like to sneak up on me? Spinning around on him I couldn’t keep my eyes from feasting on him in those dang dress pants. Looking him in the eye I finally was able to speak.

“No, actually I was looking for my daughter,” I said. I need away from this man he causes havoc on my hormones. He looked down at me from his high stature with eyes shining with something that I didn’t know what it was.

“Oh, too bad, because I think that preacher had plans,” he said teasing me now instead of acknowledging that I turned him away.

“That’s not funny Darrel, I haven’t encouraged any of his thoughts on the subject but the man won’t relent!” I said in a hushed whisper.

“Can I hear that again?” He asked. Now, I realized just how close I had stepped up to him to whisper.

“W-what?” I asked. Did he not hear me? We are barely inches apart.

“Did you not hear me?” I asked out loud.

“Yeah, I just want to hear it again,” he said smirking. I looked at him with confusion. His smirk widened. “I want to hear my name come from your lips again,” he said leaning even closer so that I could feel his lips brush my ear as he spoke.

“T-that is really inappropriate Mr. Johnson, we are at a church house if you haven’t noticed,” I said stepping away from him.

“We are outside of a church house Carolyn,” he said and didn’t know if I wanted to smack him with my hand or my lips. The man is confounding.

“Hey mom,” I heard Ava say from behind me. I smiled innocently up at him as I turned around. Feeling a little victory that I had a way to escape him now that is until I felt him step close to me from behind, so close that I could feel heat coming from his chest onto my back.

“Hey sweetheart, are you ready to leave?” I asked.

“Hello, Ava, your mother was kind enough to accept my invitation for the two of you to accompany me to lunch at Mick’s Bistro,” he said.

“Really, awe man that stinks! I already told Katie that I would go to her house. You don’t mind do you?” she asked. As I was about to argue Mr. pooface answered for me.

“That’s okay Ava I really just didn’t want to have lunch alone, again and you mom has agreed so have a good time with your friend,” he said. Ava squealed and hugged me before she was off running to her friend, Katie.

“How dare you?” I asked him heatedly.

“You are a passionate woman, aren’t you Lynnie,” he said.

“UHHH!” I said as I began to stomp to my car. Unlocking my car I stepped in and started it only to be shocked by the passenger door being flung open and none other than Darrel buckling himself in my car.

“You know if you wanted to drive all you had to do was say so,” he said chuckling then he got a thoughtful look on his face. “Why do you dislike me?”

“I don’t dislike you Mr. Johnson,” I said in a flat tone.

“Really? It’s odd that you say that because it seems that you avoid me like the plague,” he said as he reached over grabbing my hand that was on my keys in the ignition and turned it effectively starting the car. His hand smoothed over my hand, forearm, around my elbow before dropping his hand.

“Please get out of my car,” I said panicky as the feelings coursing through me caused guilt to eat at me. He looked a little taken aback.

“Okay,” he said as he slowly exited the car before he shut the door he leaned back down. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine thank you,” I tried to sound like it was true. He shut the door and stepped back and I sped toward home. Looking in the rear view I noticed the tears that were edging out of my eyes. He probably saw them pool in my eyes which is why he backed off. When I got home I broke down and called my best-friend Gerri, she lives two states away which is the reason why I never see or talk to her much.

“Hello, my favorite person in the world,” she answered. I laughed at that just a little. “CC what’s wrong?” she asked when I didn’t say anything right away.

“Oh Gerri I need advice, bad,” I told her and after hours of talking she finally talked me into trying to be open to maybe having a relationship with someone and she wants me to try and flirt back with Darrel. She said that if he has been showing interest in me at least he has good taste in women. I had to laugh at her.

Tomorrow is Monday and I will start operation new start. Hearing the door slam I knew that Ava was home. After we had dinner I approached the subject of me possibly dating again.

“No way, mom! Ugh! Oh my god, were what they were saying at Katie’s true?” she asked looking mortified.

“What exactly did they say at Katie’s?” I asked trying to calm my temper.

“Well, Taeran’s mom told Katie’s mom and Katie’s mom was telling her dad that you and Mr. Johnson were getting cozy in the church parking lot! How will I show my face at school tomorrow? Are you trying to ruin my life? He’s my teacher!” she exploded.

“First, we were not getting anything in the church lot and I didn’t even go to lunch with him. Second, I know he is your teacher Ava,” I said defensively.

“I can’t believe you!” she said as she run from the kitchen. Sinking my hands into the soapy dish water I began thinking about how unfair Ava was being to me. I know she is a teenager and everything is crazy enough for her as it is, but why am I not allowed a life? I want to have a man in my life that wants me, wants to spend time with me, love me, and just spend time with me!


Momma wants love!

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