Chapter 1- Daily Grind

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Here is the first chapter of HMT, please comment so I know your thoughts on this.

Pic on the cover is the new GYM teacher Darrel wonder if he has another brother Darrel? If you get that joke you are awesome bahaha!



Rushing Ava out the door I grabbed my brief case and coffee cup as I hurried out the door. Pulling into the parking lot, I choose a space away from most of the other cars. Getting out of my car I check my outfit, grab my briefcase and coffee.

“Love you baby girl. Have a good day,” I said.

“Love you too momma. Have a good day,” she said as she ran away to join her friends. It may seem odd for a teenager to be so loving in public with a parent but after losing her father we both learned to always say I love you any chance you get to the ones you love. Walking to the building I saw the music teacher on parking lot duty. I waved to him and we exchanged pleasantries. He is a nice elderly man that always has a smile for everyone. Buzzing the door to get the guard to let me in I checked to see if I had everything I needed for the day.

“Hey Carolyn,” the secretary said as I walked up to the window.

“Hey Janice, where am I today?” I asked. She looked through the papers she had on her desk.

“Sixth grade, Marilyn’s class,” she said. I nodded and made my way to the Sixth grade building. The crumbling parking lot was repainted last week; as if that will fix everything that is wrong with it. Then as I think about it, it kind of represents me in a way. Here I am everyday dressing up in professional clothes, makeup on, hair fixed, smile in place, but inside I am crumbling much like this old parking lot. Oh my God, I cannot do this right now. I have to teach these children. Walking into the building all the children are lined up according to grade in the lobby saying the pledge of allegiance. That makes me smile because many schools no longer allow it. Dropping my brief case I put my hand over my heart and finish the pledge with the kids. When the pledge is finished I make my way to Marilyn’s room. She usually leaves great substitute instructions so I have no worries of the day’s events.

As the day drug on the kids did make me smile a few times. People have told me that I am a favorite among the children when it comes to subs. That is probably because I let them get by with everything so long as it doesn’t endanger themselves or others. Before I knew it, it was 2:00 and time to send them to gym class. There was a knock at the door. I went over to open it for the gym teacher, an odd man that should have retired 10 years ago. Opening the door I was shocked to find another man standing there. He was very tall, very tall. In fact I had to look up quite a ways to see his eyes.

“Hey, you must be the sub, I am Darrel Johnson the new gym teacher,” he said in a deep voice that made me weak in the knees. Quickly, gaining my wits I placed my hand in his outstretched one.

“My name is Carolyn Ferrel-Hughes, it’s nice to meet you,” I tell him.

“Hughes, you any relation to Ava Hughes?” he asked appraising me with his heated gaze.

“A-actually, she is my daughter,” I said to him as I stuttered like a teenager. He wouldn’t think of me in a romantic manner and even if he did I am not interested in something like that!

“Now I know where she gets her beauty from. Let’s go kids,” he said as he looked around me. Holy smokes I forgot where I was or even what I was doing! As the kids filed out to leave I shut the door behind as the last one left. That man is dangerous. The momly crew will be all over him and hopefully I won’t have to talk to him much. I laugh as I think about the momly crew. They are the single moms that are hunting a new husband, they will eat him alive.


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