A Million Memories

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"Her father was a farmer. When we were young, she and her father had this major argument. It came to my memory because that was the first time I had seen such an outburst. It was then that she made the promise to destroy all farmers because that is what her father was. This means that the situation is more dire than I originally thought." She was pacing back and forth like she had done for the last little bit. "This means that she for sure would choose the best of the best, a small but effective team. There will be no fooling around. Just getting rid of two things at once."

"Two things at once?" Derrik asked.

"Yes, I got in the way of reaching her goal so now she thinks she can easily destroy me and the farmers of the town. This also means that she must have sabotaged my ship so that it would crash land here in the first place." She understood then what happened. "Now the only question is, will we need to alter the plan with this new information?" This also meant that she would need to practice her fighting skills.

"Before we were ready for basically an invasion and now our efforts can become more concentrated."

"That is true." Aleia agreed, "The plan stays the same then. And I think that we can still win this." She was kind of worried but she couldn't let that affect her. She knew the town could win but with her injuries...no. She had to make it."Well, I think I'll go ahead and make that jammer and then head off to get some sleep."

"And where are you going to sleep?" Derrik asked.

Aleia shrugged, "I'll find someplace."

"Return to your room, you will stay here for as long as you stay in this town."

"I will return there after I finish making that jammer, thank you for your hospitality." She knew that she could get the jammer finished in a little less than a half an hour. Then she could practice for a little bit and then she could think about what Mehena was going to do.

"Of course. And a good evening to you."

"Thank you, a good evening to you as well." she said watching him leave before going back to where she making the jammer, it kept her mind and her hands busy and it gave her time to think. Making things had always given her solace, now that was exactly what she needed. If she started to get too worried about it or for some reason was not able to concentrate that might mean the end of her and these people. She couldn't let that happen. She knew however that Derrik was a strong and capable leader. He would be able to take them to victory with or without her help. It made her wonder though what kind of enemies that they had faced in the past. Had it been with someone of hatred of this magnitude? She doubted that for there were few like Mehena in the galaxy and it was a good thing too. She finished the device and looked down at it turning it in her hands over and over before she powered it on and searched through the menu's to make sure that everything was running smoothly. When it appeared that it was she took it back to her room and sat it down on the small side table. It was a good thing, she reflected, that the room had little furniture because it gave adequate room for her to practice. She drew the swords from their sheaths at her back and held them. Remembering the feel of them and how many battles she had used them in. Then she began to use them in the way she would in a fight, without ruining anything of course. She thought of all the different attacks that she might encounter, remembering the ways to counteract them so she could have the victory. She knew that in the heat of the battle she would have little time to think, only react. She had fast enough reflexes but with being out of practice for a couple weeks she didn't want to go into battle and not remember how to use the Katana blades that her father had gave to her. After an hour or so of practice she put them back away and sat cross-legged on the floor. She closed her eyes and started to concentrate ignoring the world and time around her, thinking back to Mehana, trying to find something more about her that she could remember other than her hatred for her father. Something that might actually help. A million memories swirled around her then, from childhood on.

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